But praetor makes it inherently shit because it makes what Saber says make absolutely no sense given the definition of Praetor, when in japanese it makes sense
>hurr durr just rewrite the explanation now and every time it's referenced
Fuck off. Translation =/=rewrite. Else, you might as well change the subs to your personal fanfic if you're going to ignore the japanese script anyways
Maestro doesn't mean the same as master, smartass. Maestro has a musical meaning that matches the definition Saber gives Hakuno when explaining herself, praetor is a rank totally unrelated to music and makes Saber's explanation stupid
It's not Chyuu's faul and mine that you act like an incultured stupid asshole just to defend a wrong translation because "it's tradition". Check a dictionary, karenshy. Or shut up if you're just gonna be an stupid autist like GaeBolg
Maestro doesn't solely have a musical meaning, it literally means "Master of", not in the sense of "Master/Slave", but in Mastery of an Art, Sport, or Skill.
There are fencing Maestros, artistic Maestros, even people who are referred to as a Maestro of strategy or tactics. That said, I don't think it's actually latin, and I certainly wouldn't expect a Roman emperor to use it in that way.
Also, if you're going to actually write out "Check a dictionary" you could at least spell my name correctly when it's right in front of you.
If we're going to go in that route, I wouldn't expect a roman emperor to know about magic or to speak japanese or english, so subs should be in fucking latin.
Maestro still has a musical meaning and isn't the same as "Master" in the way Fate uses "Master" in Master/Servant relationships, so it's a better translation than praetor. You can know she means a maestro of music when she gives her explanation. It's like you fucks arguing about this haven't even watched the episode and/or love to conveniently ignore that part where Nero explains herself, just to win internet fights
During the fight in the mayors office you can hear her say "Praetor" not sousha, unless she's supposed to be calling him praetor and maestro. Except they still used maestro when she said that.
Comments - 17