![alt text](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZUwlgsz47R4/XA-0mS4jEkI/AAAAAAAAAjM/xboUgsZCgcorWagFnvrmvT2_pN512Q56wCLcBGAs/s600/%255Bkizpop%255D%2BRADWIMPS%2B%25E2%2580%259CRoad%2Bto%2BCatharsis%2BTour%2B2018%25E2%2580%259D%2BSPECIAL%2B%255B07.12.2018%255D.jpg "Logo Title Text 1")
Exclusive broadcasting of the pattern of the Yokohama Arena performance from the national tour "Road to Catharsis Tour 2018" held by RADWIMPS in June! We also added documentary footage of the Asian tour which took place in July and August, it is a must-see special program not only for fans!
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