**Plot Summary:**
The story revolves around Kakazu Kio, an ordinary high school freshman living in Okinawa. A girl with cat ears appears before him during a memorial service for one of his family ancestors. The girl calls herself Eris and claims she is an alien. Before long, fanatical alien worshippers and a mysterious government agency are in hot pursuit of Eris, but Kio's childhood friend Manami — who wants to follow in her father's footsteps in the CIA — captures Eris. Kio finds himself having to protect Eris from everyone.
**File Information:**
**Status:** COMPLETE
**Download Method:** Torrent
**Release Group:** joseole99
**File Size:** ~900MB @1080p (1920x1080)
**File Size:** ~400MB @720p (1280x720)
**Video:** x264/AVC (10bit)
**Audio 1:** English 5.1 FLAC @1080p (Default)
**Audio 1:** English 5.1 AC3 @720p (Default)
**Audio 2:** Japanese 2.0 FLAC @1080p
**Audio 2:** Japanese 2.0 AC3 @720p
**Audio 3:** English 2.0 FLAC @1080p (Commentary 1 and 9)
**Audio 3:** English 2.0 AC3 @720p (Commentary 1 and 9)
**Subtitle 1:** English Songs/Signs ASS (Default)
**Subtitle 2:** English Dialogue ASS
~Scripts from Doki and Commie
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