@Gadelaza You can tell by running the file through a frequency analyzer. When its lossless, you see data all the way up to and beyond 22 kHz. However when it is lossless you can see where the cutoff is. In the case of 320kbps MP3 the cutoff is right around is right around 20.5 kHz, and when I put files from this torrent into a frequency analyzer, it cut off right around the 20.5 kHz mark. So despite being a FLAC encode, it only has the quality of MP3 320 kbps, meaning its a bad transcode. https://interviewfor.red/en/spectrals.html this site explains and has great visuals, as well as some links at the bottom to software you can use to see this for yourself.
Comments - 4
They are not FLAC, they are bad transcodes from MP3 320kbps
Gadelaza (uploader)
@mynikko how can one tell?. and what would anyone gain from transcoding a mp3 to flac?
@Gadelaza You can tell by running the file through a frequency analyzer. When its lossless, you see data all the way up to and beyond 22 kHz. However when it is lossless you can see where the cutoff is. In the case of 320kbps MP3 the cutoff is right around is right around 20.5 kHz, and when I put files from this torrent into a frequency analyzer, it cut off right around the 20.5 kHz mark. So despite being a FLAC encode, it only has the quality of MP3 320 kbps, meaning its a bad transcode. https://interviewfor.red/en/spectrals.html this site explains and has great visuals, as well as some links at the bottom to software you can use to see this for yourself.
The max posible on CD is 44.1 / 2 = 22.05kHz.
So in real World is 22kHz (not “beyond”).
As .05kHz = 50Hz (nothing).
Q: "what would anyone gain from transcoding a mp3 to flac"
A: Absolutely NOTHING. On the contray, as flac uses more space.
ONLY retards would do that.