You should add MULTI in the torrent name and mention Audio : English - French, Subtitles : English - French - Spanish in your description.
As my English is not really the best yet, I still prefer to watch at my stuff in French and it would have really helped me to find it with that simple change.
I almost thought that there wasn’t even a single release in French.
Can you believe how ironic it would have been, it’s a fucking French animation series for God’s sake. XD is more up to date and complete, too lazy to create a torrent.
For season 3 check this!5q4wiYpZ!DYH8TsHbR-B5Hm0ky1ojsQ
@cr0 knew of that, except for the S3 link, thanks. Still, I am asking because Mega a shit with BANDWIDTH LIMIT EXCEEDED out of the arse if you download more than a couple hundred megabytes a day, so a torrent would be something to be grateful of.
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