Released November 11, 2017
Track list:
Track number | Track name | Track length |
1 | Black or White -Intro- | 01:01 |
2 | Black or White | 04:54 |
3 | Coppelia | 05:05 |
4 | Lazy | 05:15 |
5 | PaⅢ.SENSATION | 03:52 |
6 | Colorless | 05:06 |
7 | Spiral | 03:56 |
8 | BREAK IT | 04:12 |
9 | PaⅢ.INCEPTION | 04:31 |
10 | I seek you | 04:33 |
11 | Crystal | 03:56 |
Please consider buying this album (DRM-free) on Bandcamp here:
The content should be the same as, sans for the renamed cover. Since that torrent is dead (stuck at 45%), I found another copy of it on the Internet and posted it here.
Comments - 3
This flac is so wrong…
I doubt OP bothered transcoding a Bandcamp download, especially when Bandcamp offers a FLAC download by default. Maybe the person who uploaded the album to Bandcamp transcoded it.
tuankiet65 (uploader)
This is not downloaded from Bandcamp, I found them off a random site on the Internet (in RAR form, then I decompressed it and put the folder here, without any transcoding involved). Since the Comment fields in the FLACs say “Comment: Visit” I believe that the copy I got off that random site should be identical to a copy from Bandcamp
Also that weird cutoff at 20kHz only appears in track 2, 3, 8. Some other tracks has disruptions around ~22kHz which is probably irrelevant. I’ll assume that some filter was applied during the production of the album, and the Bandcamp copy should also has this weird cutoff.