Platinum End 036 (2018) (Digital) (GX-Empire) :: Nyaa ISS

Platinum End 036 (2018) (Digital) (GX-Empire)

2018-11-10 22:26 UTC
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34.9 MiB
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  • Platinum End 036 (2018) (Digital) (GX-Empire).cbr (34.9 MiB)
This is not an Empire release.
sadly this copy is crap ... for example, page PhotoPE 360684 is missing the top part of the page, with some of the dialog missing @ Danke would it be possible for you to do a better quality release of this ch ? ... please
Ungrateful much? I did this because Danke has been awol for ages and not releasing anything. Next I won't bother and you can wait for months for him
@komugi Nice going. Like you can do any better.
@ gxrevs96 ... hmmm..., it sounds like you don't know every single manga sharing site that has Danke uploads ...sadly NO digital copy uploader is very consistent ... some blame it on the companies making the digital scans, for unpredictable production schedules, some don't bother replying when you ask them if any new vols are out when the last ones they posted of that series may be over a year earlier @ NyaaSearch ... you are right, I cant do any better, which is why I don't waste time trying to find crap quality stuff to upload ... I can kind of suspect that the actual digital copy of the page was not missing the top portion ...among us older types who have uploaded stuff to other sites ... it used to be something called pride in what we did, we took pride in doing our best to upload the best quality stuff we could find ... oh that's right ... nowadays it is all about bragging about who uploaded the most files ... it doesn't matter if the files are even worth uploading ... it's just all about the upload count ... that is the attitude that turns some manga sharing sites into crap very quickly ... which is why some of them don't last very long ... the sites known for good quality uploads sometimes last for many years
@Komgi. Bro, I've been following Danke and been downloading his rips for the past year. He uploads here and on 4chan. He usually uploads consistently and his rips(NNT, UQ Holder, AOT,) would always be out a few days after release but he's been on and off for a while. Probably due to personal commitments, which is perfectly fine and fair btw. I just figured that since he's been on hiatus, I'd share what I had with you guys until he comes back but I won't bother anymore "some blame it on the companies making the digital scans, for unpredictable production schedules, some don’t bother replying when you ask them if any new vols are out when the last ones they posted of that series may be over a year earlier" PE has been released on time every month for the past year. I know because I buy the digital every month
@komugi Then Nyaa isn’t the right place for you to be finding “good quality uploads”. You know where you can find good quality content? It’s called the store. You’ve been looking in the wrong place. If everyone had to meet your quality standards, there would only be a handful uploading on here. But here you are, whining about something of sub-par quality. If you have time to do that, why don’t you work those extra hours and pay for high quality content? This place is a privilege for many who can’t afford it; you’re **NOT** entitled to it. If someone happens to upload high quality stuff, then it’s a treat. There’s also contradiction in what you’re saying. You said “among **us** older types who have uploaded stuff to other sites”, but you also said “I can’t do any better, which is why I don’t waste time trying to find crap quality stuff to upload.” Have you or have you not uploaded before? Make up your mind. Even for you who admitted you couldn’t upload jack, you can at least be grateful that the community is still uploading something. If not, stop wasting you’re time pissing off every uploader.
@gxrevs96 What should komugi be grateful for? When he noticed your mistake and pointed it out to us, instead of acknowledging it, you deflected and threatened to cease releasing future chapters. Judging by the filenames of your release of chapter 35, which you failed to number correctly, you did not rip the original images from the official web viewer, but made screenshots of each page instead, which would explain the low resolution and quality. You could not be bothered to quality check ~30 images before releasing this chapter and also forgot to exclude operating system-specific metadata from both archives. After this lazy hack-job you then had the nerve to tag your release with the "Empire" suffix. Just because you used a well-known tag to deceive unsuspecting downloaders and make you feel better about yourself, that does not make this a high quality release.
@NyaaSearch One does not need to be better at something oneself to criticize someone else's performance at it. For komugi to "do any better", he would just have to not crop off some of the dialogue, as I am rather sure of the original not having this flaw, or at least catch such a mistake when quality checking. Not uploading an image that is missing a part of the dialogue is not a particularly high quality standard or a difficult one to reach. Why are you implying that having many people share releases, which you admit are of low quality, is better than only a few with at least decent to high quality standards, where the leechers can be sure to not be disappointed after downloading? Where exactly did komugi state that he is entitled to anything, or that he does not have enough money? His statements are not mutually exclusive. He may not have the knowledge to rip the original images to share them with us, but he could have shared other content before. You are being intentionally dishonest by going on to assert this as his admission of never having shared anything. Why should one be grateful for "something", if it has obvious flaws, that could easily be fixed? Although I do agree, that komugi could have worded his criticism better, gxrevs96's releases are "crap", when compared to, for example, danke's. An uploader should be able to take valid criticism for his subpar release without deflecting and threatening to stop sharing. It is a shame, that there is a guy, who is willing to pay for the license to view the content and even wants to share it with others, but can not be bothered to put in a little bit more effort to create a functional release by checking his files. Why are you defending such behaviour?
@ hozjiwpoo4jt221 thank you for pointing things out to people who seemed determined to ignore the obvious ... and I noticed that Danke even posted that this was not one of his releases I admit I do tend to be a bit harsh in the way I word things I was an uploader on the old original mangatraders ... and for example when I found scanlated copies of a manga series that did not have arguecat's logo sprayed all over the pages, I grabbed a copy from where I found it and uploaded it to mangatraders ... I was also an uploader on the later imitation mangatraders (with over 200 uploads) before their stupidity caused a mass exodus of most of their best uploaders ... I even uploaded raws for a side story of Rozen Maiden to a fan site, sadly only the first two ch's ever got translated ... I had actually bought the magazines from Japan and scanned them myself, back when I had that capability