TVアニメ「キャッツ・アイ」「キャッツ・アイ 2nd Season」ブルーレイ・ボックス CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Special BOX 1st-2nd Seasons + Extras (BD Hi10P 960x720 AAC) :: Nyaa ISS

TVアニメ「キャッツ・アイ」「キャッツ・アイ 2nd Season」ブルーレイ・ボックス CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Special BOX 1st-2nd Seasons + Extras (BD Hi10P 960x720 AAC)

2018-11-11 03:35 UTC
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File size:
69.9 GiB
Info hash:
Title: CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Special BOX 1st-2nd Seasons タイトル: TV放映30周年記念 『キャッツ・アイ 』、『キャッツ・アイ 2nd Season』 [ 1983-1985年 ] 種類: RAW (10-bit) 音声: ステレオ (2ch)、日本語 字幕: なし 中身: TVアニメシリーズ全36+37話 + 映像特典 ソース: ブルーレイ・ボックス ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bikkuri Finally found back the data but looks different structure; there you go a new torrent for both seasons (total 73 episodes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 『キャッツ・アイ』 有名画廊や美術館に、名画を専門に狙う謎の怪盗3人組「キャッツ・アイ」の挑戦状が届く。今回もまんまと出し抜かれた刑事・俊夫は、恋人・瞳とその姉・泪、妹・愛の経営する喫茶店「キャッツ・アイ」でグチをこぼしていた。しかし、彼は知らなかったが、この瞳たちこそ怪盗の正体であり、その目的は世界的な画家である父・ハインツの散逸した遺作を取り戻すこと、さらに父の死にまつわる謎を解き明かすことにあったのだ。 『キャッツ・アイ 2nd Season』 喫茶店『キャッツ・アイ』を経営する美人三姉妹、泪・瞳・愛。彼女たちの父は、幻の天才画家・ミケール=ハインツである。その父が失踪した手ががりを求め、彼女たちは怪盗キャッツ・アイとなり、父の残した作品を盗み続けた。また、瞳の恋人で、キャッツを追う刑事・俊夫との駆引きを織り交ぜながら、美しき女猫たちは、華麗な盗みをはたらき続ける。 【キャスト】 来生 瞳: 戸田恵子 来生 泪: 藤田淑子 来生 愛: 坂本千夏 内海 俊夫: 安原義人 課長: 内海賢二 浅谷 光子: 榊原良子 永石 定嗣: 大木民夫 【スタッフ】 原作: 北条 司

File list

  • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary Blu-ray Special BOX 1st-2nd Seasons + Extras (BD Hi10P 960x720 AAC)
    • CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season ep 01-36 (BD H264 960x720 AAC 10-bit)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 01 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 02 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 03 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 04 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (961.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 05 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 06 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (961.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 07 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 08 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (961.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 09 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 10 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.6 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 11 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 12 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 13 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 14 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 15 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 16 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 17 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 18 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 19 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 20 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (961.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 21 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 22 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 23 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 24 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 25 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 26 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 27 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 28 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 29 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 30 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 31 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 32 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 33 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (963.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 34 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.6 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 35 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (962.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 36 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (958.9 MiB)
    • CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season ep 01-37 (BD H264 960x720 AAC 10-bit)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 01 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 02 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 03 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 04 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 05 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.6 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 06 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 07 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 08 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 09 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.0 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 10 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 11 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 12 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 13 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 14 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 15 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 16 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 17 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 18 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 19 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 20 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.0 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 21 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 22 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 23 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 24 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 25 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 26 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.6 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 27 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 28 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 29 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 30 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.6 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 31 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 32 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 33 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 34 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (980.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 35 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 36 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (981.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX TV ep 37 (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (960.8 MiB)
    • Extras
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC1 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC2 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC3 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC4 Main Menu.png (1.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC5 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC6 Main Menu.png (1.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - Housoukaishi Yokoku Eizou (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (25.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - Kaigaiyou ED (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (62.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - Kaigaiyou NCOP (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (62.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - NCED (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (62.7 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 1st Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - NCOP (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (62.9 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC1 Main Menu.png (1.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC2 Main Menu.png (1.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC3 Main Menu.png (1.3 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC4 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC5 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX DISC6 Main Menu.png (1.4 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - 2nd season Bangumisenden Eizou 15 seconds (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (12.2 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - 2nd season Bangumisenden Eizou 30 seconds (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (21.5 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - 2nd season Kaigaiyou Non-Credit Yokoku Eizou (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (9.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - 2nd season NCED (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (71.1 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Eizou Tokuten - 2nd season NCOP (BD H264 960x720 AAC).mp4 (69.8 MiB)
      • [QTS] CAT'S EYE 30th Anniversary 2nd Season Blu-ray Special BOX Tokuten DVDROM - CAT'S EYE DIGITAL LIBRARY (857-JPG).7z (165.5 MiB)
Oh wow! Thank you very much QTS! (/^▽^)/
Oh wow! Is this a new BD set that was release? I'm not sure if I should still release the Kagura S2 set, but I will release it nonetheless. Just give me a bit more time since there's been quite a problem on my end. Will download a few episode and since how this holds up. Thanks!
So I tested out H94's Retimed Subs to Kagura Raw It works flawlessly. It's pretty much well timed. Though I only tested the first episode. It should be the same. But I will test out some episodes as well from S2. One thing I noticed about the raw video itself(Episode 1). There's a bit too much grain. I don't think Kagura's Raw had this much grain in the first place. I'll probably need a more in depth comparison which I hope someone does it. Sound quality is just as good as Kagura. Also to note. Some of Kagura's episodes has this flicker sound. I notice this in a middle episodes(I forgot which one). I think I only encounter this once. It's probably had to do with Kagura's encoding(he probably missed it). It's not bad at all and barely noticeable. Probably 0.5 secs or lower. It's just something I noticed since I did watched S1 on headphones. I'll download this for the extras and maybe for the raw itself. There can never be too many Cat's Eye :) If I wasn't able to download the Kagura raws, I would have used this as an alternative for sure. Here's my share. Let me know if I should still upload S2 Kagura raws :) Lastly, Someone uploaded Cat's Eye BD Remaster NCOP/ED of S1/S2. This looks fucking good. It just needs to be in higher resolution for the full episodes, but the colors are on point. I thought this was going to be this share, but guess not. You should also put the QTS tag in the title. To make searching easier.
Thank you so much for sharing this series again.
Cat's Eye Season 2 BD by Kagura is here :)
Thank you so much, I've been trying to download an older torrent of those files for literally almost five years.
Thank youu!! I've been trying to look for this everywhere! Thanks a bunch =>>