i have to say after being btrainwashed into thinking this series was great that i hate Suzumya and her abusive nasty personality and constant bad manners. She is a terrible role model for girls and actually ugly to look at, the other characters are much more interesting. the charm is gone completely and i hate this junk now. thanks for uploading it but frankly i could care less and the Endlesss Eight is trolling of the viewers second only to some other similar stuff.
Comments - 5
i have to say after being btrainwashed into thinking this series was great that i hate Suzumya and her abusive nasty personality and constant bad manners. She is a terrible role model for girls and actually ugly to look at, the other characters are much more interesting. the charm is gone completely and i hate this junk now. thanks for uploading it but frankly i could care less and the Endlesss Eight is trolling of the viewers second only to some other similar stuff.
Doki (uploader)
Endless Eight was legendary, lol
the rest of the comment seems like a reasonable opinion, this sentence makes me question if it’s just trolling.
Better board this hypetrain.
Endless Eight, here I come!