Title: Tales of Symphonia The Animation
タイトル: テイルズオブシンフォニア THE ANIMATION [ 2007-2012年 ]
種類: RAW (10-bit)
中身: OVAシリーズ 「シルヴァラント編」(全4話) + 「テセアラ編」(全4話) + 「世界統合編」(全3話)
ソース: ブルーレイ・ボックス (発売日:2013年11月6日)
p.s This is not a new encode but a new batch from the Extended Trilogy Blu-ray Box that celebrated Tales of Symphonia 10th Anniversary
p.s.2 v did the 720p in more than five years ago and it looks like the renkaban rips are floating around
p.s.3 This release is on a little server that will be down in less than a week. Please seed the torrent as long as you can to help the others
@bikkuri Not found the tv series; might be one day duno
@SomaHeir Maybe lost that only found destiny in 720p; rerip the boxes in the worst case
@H94 That’s1038p, to be exact
@pukidesu Yes, but the natures of YSW and TU are different from MB; v released the three bdrips
@Whoasked Will use back the tag when most things r ready after the incident happened in twenty fourteen
Comments - 1
Lovely stuff!