[KaiDubs] Dragon Ball Super - USBD - Part 1-6 (01-78) [1080p 8bit] [Dual Audio] [CC] [BDrip] :: Nyaa ISS

[KaiDubs] Dragon Ball Super - USBD - Part 1-6 (01-78) [1080p 8bit] [Dual Audio] [CC] [BDrip]

2019-01-17 14:32
File size:
129.1 GiB
Info hash:

Dragon Ball Super Part 1-6 (Funimation Blu-ray) [Dual Audio]

Time for Dragon Ball Super batches. Decided to do USBD and Weeklies separately. Batches will be done in the same manner as before in regards to DBS, one after another once I notice people have gotten and my bandwidth (upload speed) frees up. So, Dub USBD 8-bit> Dual Audio USBD 8-bit > Dub USBD 10-bit > Dual Audio USBD 10-bit > 480p Dub Weeklies 77-93 > Dub Weeklies 79-93 > Dual Audio Weeklies 79-93.

I’ve also had a request for a batch release with closed captions, not breaking 800~ MB which I’ll probably fulfill near the end as well. I got like 95% done, just need to sort getting the last 5%. So mostly just a matter of squeezing into the cycle.)

Main Credits

BDMV: KaiDubs (Parts 1-4 or 1-52) / ADC (Parts 5-6 or 53-78) (Thanks to a friend passing it along)

Audio: 1-26 English (USBD) from iAHD, 27-78 English (USBD) by KaiDubs & 1-78 Japanese (USBD) by KaiDubs

Encode: KaiDubs

Chapters: OGG (1-61), KaiDubs (62-78)

Q: Why are you using iAHD instead of your own audio for 1-26?

A: Blu-rays Part 1 & 2 used the Japanese Opening for whatever reason (Including on the NCOPs for Pt 1/2) and English came in Part 3 onward. iAHD took the time to do a re-release of their own once Part 3 hit to update Part 1/2 with English Opening Audio. So that’s what I’ve opted for it in this release. Not really much point in doing the same work myself when it’s already been completed.

Q: Why is there a cover song on the Textless OP/ED 3?

A: Before I did releases myself, I followed KamiFS and then on weeks they missed or were notably late, I found EXIL3. EXIL3 used these covers (by Mark de Groot) and unknowningly, I thought they were official to some degree. I thought maybe they were a different region or for some stupid reason Funimation had two versions. I already had the cover injected in and I took the time to subtitle it. So… it’s there. If your a Mark de Groot fan, rejoice. If not… then… well… ignore it.

Q: EXIL3? Who?

A: Uploader on a different tracker. I used them for audio in the past after KamiFS stopped releasing before I switched to HDTV (And WEB Audio early into Season 5) due to marginal difference in quality but huge difference in release time. All those episodes are superseded now though with USBD releases.

Subtitles Tracks

  1. Songs & Signs by KaiDubs
  2. Closed Captions by KaiDubs [1-19] (FunimationNOW), 20-52 from annyomous fan donation. (Ripped from CRiMSON/W4F releases + They subtitled the previews)
    53-65 from FunimationNOW, 66-78 from CRiMSON (Dialogue) / Funimation (Previews). All typesetted by KaiDubs and replaced opening/ending subtitles.
  3. Crunchyroll (RH) by RickyHorror (1-78), Typesetted by KaiDubs to match above subtitles for uniformity. Also Opening & Ending subtitles have been replaced with fansubs.
  4. Simmons (Blu-ray Subs) by Steven J. Simmons, Subtitles on Funimation Blu-ray (1-78)
  5. Signs (Blu-ray Subs) from the Blu-ray. Dragon Ball Super doesn’t have signs that often, but they are some in some episodes. If I remember correctly, Parts 1 (1-13), 2 (14-26) & 3 (27-39), all had Signs + Opening as a track which I included. Part 4 onward however, is when they stopped including opening subs in the signs track and just did signs and this began where you ended up with empty tracks if the episode had no signs. I removed these blank tracks in Part 4 (40-52. I think like 48 & 51 or 52 had signs, the rest didn’t) and maybe Part 5 (53-65). Part 6 (66-78), I didn’t remove the track on the episodes where it would’ve been empty. The track being empty, it adds no size to the file, just a track to the track list that provides nothing.

English Opening/Ending Subtitles

  • Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KaiDubs
  • Opening 2 (Limit-Break x Survivor, 77-78) by KaiDubs
  • Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KaiDubs
  • Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KaiDubs
  • Ending 3 (Light Pink, 26-36) by KaiDubs
  • Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by KaiDubs
  • Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from DragonTeam
  • Ending 6 (Fried Rice Music), 60-72 by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from OGG
  • Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by KaiDubs

Japanese Opening/Ending Subtitles

  • Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KamiFS
  • Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KamiFS
  • Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KamiFS
  • Ending 3 (Light Pink, 26-36) by OGG
  • Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by OGG
  • Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by DragonTeam
  • Ending 6 (Fried Rice Music, 60-72) by OGG, K-Timed by KaiDubs
  • Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by OGG, Typesetted and KFX by KaiDubs

Get notified for releases here:
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE6kraODSt69vELbww
Discord: https://discord.gg/JUFynz5
Can also reach me on Discord. Also can just come chat! Talk about the latest episode! (No spoilers if you’ve watched further ahead subbed or read manga. This is for Dub fans, be respectful please…)

File list

  • KaiDubs.Dragon.Ball.Super.S1-S5.Dual.Audio.1080p.x264.8bit
    • Extras
      • DBS Ending 8 - Boogie Back [KaiDubs] [AS-1080p] [F6D562FC].mp4 (21.4 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 1 - Hello Hello Hello [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (71.6 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 2 - Starring Star [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (79.0 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 3 - Usubeni (Light Pink) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (92.3 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 4 - Forever Dreaming [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (89.1 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 5 - Yoka-Yoka Dance [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (96.1 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 6 - Fried Rice Music [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (67.8 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 7a - An Evil Angel and the Righteous Devil [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (87.6 MiB)
      • Textless Ending 7b - An Evil Angel and the Righteous Devil [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (84.5 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1a (God of Destruction Beerus Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (156.7 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1b (Golden Frieza Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (155.2 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1c (Golden Frieza Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (162.9 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1d (Universe 6 Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (161.2 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1e (Universe 6 Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (163.5 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 1f (''Future'' Trunks Saga) [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (159.9 MiB)
      • Textless Opening 2 - Limit-Break x Survivor [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (260.9 MiB)
    • Season 1 (God of Destruction Beerus Saga)
      • Ep.01 - A Peacetime Reward Who Gets the 100,000,000 Zeni! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.02 - To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.03 - Where Does the Dream Pick Up Find the Super Saiyan God! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.04 - Bid for the Dragon Balls! Pilaf and Crew's Impossible Mission! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.05 - Showdown on King Kai's World! Goku vs. Beerus the Destroyer! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.06 - Don't Anger the Destroyer! A Heart-Pounding Birthday Party! [KaiDubs].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.07 - How Dare You Do That To My Bulma! Vegeta's Metamorphosis of Fury [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.08 - Goku Makes an Entrance! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.09 - Thanks for Waiting, Lord Beerus! A Super Saiyan God is Born At Last! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.10 - Show Us, Goku! The Power of a Super Saiyan God! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.11 - Let's Keep Going, Lord Beerus! The Battle of Gods! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • Ep.12 - The Universe Will Shatter Clash! Destroyer vs. Super Saiyan God [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (2.1 GiB)
      • Ep.13 - Goku, Surpass Super Saiyan God! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (2.1 GiB)
      • Ep.14 - This Is All the Power I've Got! A Settlement Between Gods [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • Season 2 (Golden Frieza Saga)
      • Ep.15 - Valiant Mr. Satan, Work A Miracle! A Challenge From Outer Space! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.16 - Vegeta Becomes A Student! Win Over Whis! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.17 - Pan Is Born! And Goku Goes On A Training Journey! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.18 - I'm Here, Too! Training Commences On Beerus' World! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.19 - Despair Redux! The Return Of The Evil Emperor, Frieza! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.20 - A Warning From Jaco! Frieza And 1,000 Soldiers Close In [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.21 - The Start Of Vengeance! The Frieza Force's Malice Strikes Gohan! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.22 - Change! An Unexpected Return! His Name Is Ginyu!! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.23 - Earth! Gohan! Both On The Ropes! Hurry And Get Here, Goku!! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.24 - Clash! Frieza Vs. Goku! This Is The Result Of My Training! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.25 - A Full-Throttle Battle! The Vengeful Golden Frieza [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.26 - A Chance Appears In A Tight Spot! Launch A Counteroffensive, Goku! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.27 - The Earth Explodes A Decisive Kamehameha! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • Season 3 (Universe 6 Saga)
      • Ep.28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name Is Champa! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.29 - Combat Matches Are A Go! The Captain Is Someone Stronger Than Goku [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.30 - A Run-Through For The Competition! Who Are The Last Two Members [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (2.2 GiB)
      • Ep.31 - Off To See Master Zuno! Find Out Where The Super Dragon Balls Are! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.32 - The Matches Begin! We're All Off to the 'Planet with No Name'! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.33 - Surprise, 6th Universe! This Is Super Saiyan Goku! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.34 - Piccolo vs. Frost – Stake It All on the Special Beam Cannon! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.35 - Turn Your Anger Into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.36 - An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast Of Fury! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.37 - Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta Vs The 6th Universe's Saiyan! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.38 - The 6th Universe's Mightiest Warrior! Engage The Assassin Hit! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.39 - A Developed Time Skip Counterstrike Here Comes Goku's New Move! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.40 - A Decision At Last! Is The Winner Beerus Or Is It Champa [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.41 - Come Forth, Divine Dragon! And Grant My Wish, Peas And Carrots! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.42 - A Chaotic Victory Party! Showdown At Last Monaka Vs. Goku! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.43 - Goku's Energy is Out of Control The Struggle to Look After Pan [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.44 - The Seal of Planet Pot-au-feu; Secrets of the Unleashed Superhuman Water! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.45 - Vegeta Disappears! Menace of the Duplicate Vegeta! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.46 - Goku vs.The Duplicate Vegeta! Which One is Going to Win [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
    • Season 4 (''Future'' Trunks Saga)
      • Ep.47 - SOS From The Future A Dark New Enemy Appears! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.48 - Hope! Redux Awaken In The Present, Trunks [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.49 - A Message From The Future – The Incursion Of Goku Black! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.50 - Goku vs. Black! A Closed-Off Road To The Future [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • Ep.51 - Feelings That Transcend Time Trunks And Mai [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.52 - Master And Pupil Reunited - Gohan And Future Trunks! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.53 - Uncover Black's Identity! Off To The 10th Universe's World Of The Kai's! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.54 - He Who Is Of Saiyan Blood - Trunks's Resolve [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.55 - I'd Like To See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.56 - Rematch With Goku Black! Enter Super Saiyan Rosé [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.57 - A God With An Invincible Body – The Advent Of Zamasu [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • Ep.58 - Zamasu And Black – The Duo's Mystery Deepens [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.59 - Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu – Destroy Zamasu! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.60v2 - Into the Future Once Again – Goku Black's True Identity Revealed! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.61v2 - Zamasu's Ambition - The Storied ''Project 0 Mortals'' of Terror [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.8 GiB)
      • Ep.62v2 - I Will Defend the World! Trunks' Furious Burst Of Super Power! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.63v2 - Don't You Disgrace Saiyan Cells! Vegeta's Fierce Battle Commences! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.64v2 - Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • Ep.65v2 - Final Judgement The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • Ep.66v2 - Showdown! The Power of Miraculous Unyielding Warriors [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
      • Ep.67v2 - With New Hope in His Heart - Farewell, Trunks [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.68v2 - Come Forth, Shenron! Whose Wish Will Be Granted! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.3 GiB)
      • Ep.69v2 - Goku vs. Arale! An Off-the-Wall Battle Spells the End of the Earth [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.70v2 - A Challenge From Champa! This Time, A Baseball Game! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.71v2 - Goku Dies! An Assassination That Must Be Executed! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.5 GiB)
      • Ep.72v2 - Will He Strike Back The Unseen Killing Technique! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.3 GiB)
      • Ep.73 - Gohan's Plight! The Preposterous Great Saiyaman Film Adaptation! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.3 GiB)
      • Ep.74 - For My Beloved Ones! The Indomitable Great Saiyaman! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.3 GiB)
      • Ep.75 - Goku and Krillin - Back to the Old Familiar Training Ground [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • Ep.76 - Conquer the Terrifying Foes! Krillin's Fighting Spirit Rebounds! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.6 GiB)
    • Season 5 (Universe Survival Saga)
      • Ep.77 - Let's Do It, Grand Zeno! The Universes' Best Tournament!! [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • Ep.78 - Even the Universes' Gods are Appalled! The Lose-and-Perish Tournament of Power [Dual Audio] [KaiDubs] [1080p].mkv (1.9 GiB)

Anyone have any issues with these episodes having lag in VLC? My Menus and whole window freezes. Other files and older DBS episodes are fine. Anyone know whats going on with my VLC?

whats the difference between the 8 bit and the 10 bit version

Anyone notice a difference in quality between this and the 10bit encode?

[rant] Try and remember, these are NOT from a 10bit source, so no there is no difference, you don’t even need to watch them to know. In fact, the 10bit encodes out there are objectively WORSE since they are re encoded where if they just stuck with the 8bit and remuxed the stream right from the BD it would be identical in quality. Try and remember, Hi10P/10Bit HEVC encodes of content started as 8bit AVC BD or basically anything not a UHD BD are always WORSE. In the right hands you might not be able to tell the difference or they are higher in quality than other encodes available but they could be better if they were left simple untouched. Same goes for this FLAC everything BS. IF the source is not an HD audio source then the only thing you accomplish by reencoding it to FLAC is the same quality or worse quality at substantially greater HDD usage. Don’t let this 10bit BS fool you, do 10 seconds of reading online. The mroon that first decided 10bit everything with Anime was a good idea should be drug into the street and shot. Worse quality, greater storage requirements if it IS similar in quality, more difficult to play, and all for no reason whatsoever. [/rant]

Why do you use such a crazy amount of reference frames (16)? This requires H.264 Profile Level 5.1 which a lot of hardware players don’t support.
4 reference frames (H.264 Profile Level 4.1) is more than enough for stuff like this.