Liz and the Blue Bird / Liz to Aoi Tori / リズと青い鳥
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLACx2 (FLAC 2.0 + Headphone:X) + QAACx3 (Three comment track) + PGS (Japanese)
*Liz and the Blue Bird* has two painting styles, which may be called as reality style and fairy tale style. For reality style, doing slight de-banding, noise stabilization and compensatory sharpening. For fairy tale style, the quality of these sections is good enough without extra pretreatment.
In addition, there are two interviews about Yamada Naoko (山田尚子) who is the director of *Liz and the Blue Bird* and Ayaka Tatamino (畳野彩加) who is the composer of theme song. For these interviews, doing de-noise. Because there is thick noise, maybe due to shooting equipment and environment.
Scans are recoded by WebP. With the [plugin](https://storage.googleapis.com/downloads.webmproject.org/releases/webp/WebpCodecSetup.exe), you can open them by Windows Photo Viewer. You can also open them by Chrome browser directly.
I always like Yamada Naoko!
Thanks to:
U3-Project and LoliHouse for BDMV
Anonymous@U2 for Original Scan
むっしゅ@単行本発売中@pixiv for Cover (id=[68606219](https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68606219))
**Source** **Encode**
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