Dragon Ball Super Part 1-6 (Funimation Blu-ray) [Dual Audio]
Bandwidth freed up, next batch is here. 1080p 10-bit Dual Audio.
I’ve also had a request for a batch release with closed captions, not breaking 800~ MB which I’ll probably fulfill near the end as well. I got like 95% done, just need to sort getting the last 5%. So mostly just a matter of squeezing into the cycle.)
Main Credits
BDMV: KaiDubs (Parts 1-4 or 1-52) / ADC (Parts 5-6 or 53-78) (Thanks to a friend passing it along)
Audio: 1-26 English (USBD) from iAHD, 27-78 English (USBD) by KaiDubs & 1-78 Japanese (USBD) by KaiDubs
Encode: KaiDubs
Chapters: OGG (1-61), KaiDubs (62-78)
Q: Why are you using iAHD instead of your own audio for 1-26?
A: Blu-rays Part 1 & 2 used the Japanese Opening for whatever reason (Including on the NCOPs for Pt 1/2) and English came in Part 3 onward. iAHD took the time to do a re-release of their own once Part 3 hit to update Part 1/2 with English Opening Audio. So that’s what I’ve opted for it in this release. Not really much point in doing the same work myself when it’s already been completed.
Q: Why is there a cover song on the Textless OP/ED 3?
A: Before I did releases myself, I followed KamiFS and then on weeks they missed or were notably late, I found EXIL3. EXIL3 used these covers (by Mark de Groot) and unknowningly, I thought they were official to some degree. I thought maybe they were a different region or for some stupid reason Funimation had two versions. I already had the cover injected in and I took the time to subtitle it. So… it’s there. If your a Mark de Groot fan, rejoice. If not… then… well… ignore it.
Q: EXIL3? Who?
A: Uploader on a different tracker. I used them for audio in the past after KamiFS stopped releasing before I switched to HDTV (And WEB Audio early into Season 5) due to marginal difference in quality but huge difference in release time. All those episodes are superseded now though with USBD releases.

Subtitles Tracks
- Songs & Signs by KaiDubs
- Closed Captions by KaiDubs [1-19] (FunimationNOW), 20-52 from annyomous fan donation. (Ripped from CRiMSON/W4F releases + They subtitled the previews)
53-65 from FunimationNOW, 66-78 from CRiMSON (Dialogue) / Funimation (Previews). All typesetted by KaiDubs and replaced opening/ending subtitles.
- Crunchyroll (RH) by RickyHorror (1-78), Typesetted by KaiDubs to match above subtitles for uniformity. Also Opening & Ending subtitles have been replaced with fansubs.
- Simmons (Blu-ray Subs) by Steven J. Simmons, Subtitles on Funimation Blu-ray (1-78)
- Signs (Blu-ray Subs) from the Blu-ray. Dragon Ball Super doesn’t have signs that often, but they are some in some episodes. If I remember correctly, Parts 1 (1-13), 2 (14-26) & 3 (27-39), all had Signs + Opening as a track which I included. Part 4 onward however, is when they stopped including opening subs in the signs track and just did signs and this began where you ended up with empty tracks if the episode had no signs. I removed these blank tracks in Part 4 (40-52. I think like 48 & 51 or 52 had signs, the rest didn’t) and maybe Part 5 (53-65). Part 6 (66-78), I didn’t remove the track on the episodes where it would’ve been empty. The track being empty, it adds no size to the file, just a track to the track list that provides nothing.
English Opening/Ending Subtitles
- Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KaiDubs
- Opening 2 (Limit-Break x Survivor, 77-78) by KaiDubs
- Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KaiDubs
- Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KaiDubs
- Ending 3 (Light Pink, 26-36) by KaiDubs
- Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by KaiDubs
- Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from DragonTeam
- Ending 6 (Fried Rice Music), 60-72 by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from OGG
- Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by KaiDubs
Japanese Opening/Ending Subtitles
- Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KamiFS
- Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KamiFS
- Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KamiFS
- Ending 3 (Light Pink, 26-36) by OGG
- Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by OGG
- Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by DragonTeam
- Ending 6 (Fried Rice Music, 60-72) by OGG, K-Timed by KaiDubs
- Ending 7 (An Evil Angel and an Righteous Devil, 73-78) by OGG, Typesetted and KFX by KaiDubs
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Can also reach me on Discord. Also can just come chat! Talk about the latest episode! (No spoilers if you’ve watched further ahead subbed or read manga. This is for Dub fans, be respectful please…)
Comments - 9
Sanks for this!
Thank you so much for these.
Any ETA to when we expect the last few seasons?
could someone please seed
Seeders pls.
I will seed the shit out of this myself when(/if…) i got it.
thank you so much
here is the Gdrive link https://pastebin.com/S5PwPGWB request access
@heynando : please add Inuyasha [BD-Remux 1080p] series
Sanks so much :)
Please can we have some more seeders on this release…
Planning to add it to my seedbox with the other Dragon collections.
Thank you
Thank you <3