This is an unofficial batched torrent for Kuro’s Shuffle! Memories.
I don’t make any claims of ownership all rights are reserved to them.
If there are any problems let me know in the comments.
Guess I’ll go for this instead of Ayako’s strange wavering resolution version…
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 01 (XVID 704x400) [D6DAD0F7].avi (223.4 MiB)
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 02 (XVID 704x396) [7EE9C96F].avi (175.1 MiB)
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 03 (XVID 768x432)
No idea what’s happening there.
Can someone explain how Kira-Fansubs recent 720/1080 BD uploads fit into this? I can’t find any mention of “Kaede Chapter” or “Extra Chapter” or “Introductory Chapter”
Hopefully if Baka incorporates Kuro’s new work here they will know what to do with Kira’s as well. I’ll probably just go with 720p for consistentcy plus having a 1050p monitor
Comments - 4
Thank you
thanks for the batch! hard to find these older series
Guess I’ll go for this instead of Ayako’s strange wavering resolution version…
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 01 (XVID 704x400) [D6DAD0F7].avi (223.4 MiB)
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 02 (XVID 704x396) [7EE9C96F].avi (175.1 MiB)
[Ayako] Shuffle! Memories 03 (XVID 768x432)
No idea what’s happening there.
Can someone explain how Kira-Fansubs recent 720/1080 BD uploads fit into this? I can’t find any mention of “Kaede Chapter” or “Extra Chapter” or “Introductory Chapter”
Hopefully if Baka incorporates Kuro’s new work here they will know what to do with Kira’s as well. I’ll probably just go with 720p for consistentcy plus having a 1050p monitor
In case anyone has trouble downloading this:[Kuro]+Shuffle
@tyciol (whom many never read this):
Some groups drop the show after a few episodes realizing only episode 12 is new content. Cheers.