Everyone should enjoy this one. Nobody has uploaded volume 3 yet so that one’s unavailable at the moment. Keep seeding everyone, there’s plenty of new manga coming your way.
When high schooler Haruka moves to Okinawa, she finds herself enamored with the beach right outside her front door and resolves to form a volleyball team with her cousin, Kanata. However, because she’s so short, Kanata gave up on volleyball ages ago. Can Haruka get her to take up the sport again in time for the junior tournament?
Comments - 5
tempest21 (uploader)
I have some exciting new manga series that’s going to be uploaded tomorrow. be on the lookout.
tempest21 (uploader)
Don’t mention it. Volume one is in a previous torrent and was being seeded and Volume two in another torrent was dead as a doornail, so I decided to just reupload them both. I know volume 3 is out but I haven’t been able to find it.
Damn. This reminds me that Keijo!!! Which got cancelled abruptly in 2017 :(
Did you think you can find source on Keijo manga as well?
Thanks for this!!
tempest21 (uploader)
I’ll look around for it. But I have about a dozen manga ready to be uploaded and move forward. One such series, is fairly recent. It’ll be a digital chapter to chapter release and it’ll be batch upload. I think it’s one that nobody ever thought to upload.