Yes the chapters are from MEW and they are off by 1 sec. Because I don’t have time to edit them. If you can do it send them to me and I’ll do a v2.
And by preview you mean the 3 sec at the end of episodes writing “Next Time: Episode Name” they’re not out of sync, just flickering.
Look I am not Kametsu, Neko, SCY or another uploader. Subs were a pain in the ass to synch. I just made BD video watchable with subs and made it smaller. Thats it.
If you want the “Perfect Release” please wait for 3-4 months or so.
Comments - 14
You used Mew’s subs for the bd? Did you retime them? because they didn’t match
Technically it’s SmugCat’s subs.
Cerberus (uploader)
Of course I retimed them. Everything is synched.
I won’t make an half-assed upload.
Oh right, Mew’s was the dual audio, but I guess we’ll have to wait for USBD for that? Or can audio tracks be resynced?
Cerberus (uploader)
They can be synched. But I don’t watch dub. So I won’t be the one doing it.
After a brief check, the chapters aren’t synced, nor is the subs during the preview
Cerberus (uploader)
Yes the chapters are from MEW and they are off by 1 sec. Because I don’t have time to edit them. If you can do it send them to me and I’ll do a v2.
And by preview you mean the 3 sec at the end of episodes writing “Next Time: Episode Name” they’re not out of sync, just flickering.
Look I am not Kametsu, Neko, SCY or another uploader. Subs were a pain in the ass to synch. I just made BD video watchable with subs and made it smaller. Thats it.
If you want the “Perfect Release” please wait for 3-4 months or so.
since it’s a reencode from Reinforce it should have the same problem with Episode 10 at minute 20:13 (no sound at all at this point)
Cerberus (uploader)
I muxed Moozzi2 Flac audio to Reinforce for EP 10. So no problem.
I downloaded this by Kaya release sometime ago. It is very good. Just get that instead?
@cerberus thanks for that
@Cerberus look I’m not complaining, you know everyone appreciates what you guys do, but you ask us to tell you if there are problems with the encodes
Thanks for subs!
thanks cerberus