[Weeaboo-Shogun] Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion 76 :: Nyaa ISS

[Weeaboo-Shogun] Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion 76

2019-07-17 22:19
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File size:
405.5 MiB
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Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion
Episode 76
FINAL STATION!! New Departures for Shinkalion

Kirin manages to repel the Shinkalions with the seemingly invincible Black Shinkalion Ogre and heads toward Tokyo to rain his fury upon them. The team comes up with a desperate plan to stop him involving the nanomachines that the Kitoralsus previously used. One final departure with the Shinkalion team… one final battle… one last curtain call. This is the series finale to the long-running, popular series!

File list

  • [Weeaboo-Shogun] Transformable Shinkansen Robot Shinkalion 76 [58B14BC0].mkv (405.5 MiB)

This was a great ride. Thanks for doing the subs for the whole show (and movie when you get it). I had a GREAT time. I’ll really miss this show

dowa wa shimarimaaaaasu

thanks on doing this. Say, you think you can have some time with other subs, like with the picture dramas from Code Geass Akito the Exiled ova series?

Thanks so much for subbing this entire series!

Many many thanks for your great work!

Can’t thank you enough for doing this; it’s been great fun!

You’re amazing for subbing all 76 episodes of this. Thank you so much.

Will you sub the Zoids Wild series as well?

Thank you so much for this epic and amazing anime!!!

Excuse me-will you be subbing Rokumon Tengai Mon Colle Knight very soon? Starseeker on twitter told me that you would be the sole leading subber to sub the show but got sidrtracked on a project. Anyway allow me to ask this-please mon colle knights is a classic and deserves a long deserved sub
Its because of this anime that got me to fell in love with fantasy, inspired my path to become a writer and I developed my first crush on Prince Eccentro/Count Collection
Also I began to collect anything mon colle knights which was not an easy feat I’ll tell ya-years of searching for merch
The gameboy color game, a cel of the flying lion head, trading cards, the japanese and english version of mon colle knights, some of the mon colle knights vhs tapes
EVEN the Collection and Mondo Side CDS
Its also the most watched anime I watched over and over growing up while watching other anime
I even saw the dub too
Please Starseeker is there anyone that you know of near, far or around even yourself can help sub this classic anime
It’d be a dream come true for Mon Colle Knights to be subbed and introduced to a new generation of fans and to old fans like me

So is there anyway you can help make this a dream come true to sub mon colle knight for this hardcore mck fan?

Any chance for a batch upload?