[vs] Killer Seven (Cike Wu Liuqi) (刺客伍六七) :: Nyaa ISS

[vs] Killer Seven (Cike Wu Liuqi) (刺客伍六七)

2019-07-18 17:36
No information.
File size:
5.7 GiB
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Brought to you by VersusSubs - With English, Hungarian and Chinese subtitles / Angol, magyar és kínai felirattal

Wu Liuqi dreams of being an ubercool assassin who makes big money with just a few cuts. Too bad he’s amnesiac, has no family, friends or money, and his only skill is the masterful handling of scissors. Wait a minute… These are the attributes of the ideal assassin! When his mentor, a hair salon owner with a flair for secret agent gadgets, realizes this, he convinces Liuqi to make the money for a memory restoration operation by working as an assassin.
Thus starts a series of misadventures involving unexpectedly strong target persons, a rival assassin and the hostile citizens of a technocracy - all of them determined to cause a lot of pain to our (anti)hero!

Vu Liucsi arról álmodozik, hogy übermenő bérgyilkos lesz, aki nagy pénzt csinál pár vágással. Kár, hogy amnéziás, nincs se családja, se barátja, se pénze, és az egyetlen készsége, hogy boszorkányos ügyességgel bánik az ollóval. Várjunk csak… Hiszen ezek az ideális bérgyilkos tulajdonságai! Amikor a mentora (fodrászüzlet-tulaj és kütyüfeltaláló) rájön erre, meggyőzi Liucsit, hogy bérgyilkosként gyűjtsön pénzt egy emlék-helyreállító műtétre.
Így kezdődik el Liucsi balszerencsés kalandjainak sora, amelyben feltűnnek meglepően erős célszemélyek, egy rivális bérgyilkos és egy technokrata ország harcias lakói - akik mind igyekeznek minél nagyobb fájdalmat okozni (anti)hősünknek!

Killer Seven


File list

  • [vs] Killer Seven
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 01 [D6897DB9].mkv (493.2 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 02 [2F9F0AEA].mkv (434.3 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 03 [20B7C916].mkv (376.8 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 04 [7275DD9D].mkv (369.6 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 05 [BC04CB76].mkv (401.2 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 06 [3CA1CD29].mkv (387.3 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 07 [774DD21A].mkv (440.0 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 08 [1E7022B2].mkv (507.4 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 09 [C1919D7C].mkv (415.6 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - 10 [2771C70D].mkv (582.4 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - Extra 01 [76FAA155].mkv (356.6 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - Extra 02 [C802ED0C].mkv (332.0 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - Extra 03 [41D0BCAD].mkv (329.7 MiB)
    • [vs] Killer Seven - Extra 04 [CA103C13].mkv (361.9 MiB)


I really enjoyed this. Unusual for the Chinese stuff we normally see, this had an original art style, a different and coherent story (no cultivation!), and a genuinely funny sensibility. This thing was hilarious. It was enjoyable on its own terms and wasn’t an awkward copy of Japanese anime conventions. Props to the Chinese production team, and my appreciation to you on creating a nicely constructed set of torrents.

The Magyar subs were for me just a pleasant bonus. They let me dust off and exercise what little remains of my Hungarian language skills.

Thanks very much, how can i remove the background from your english subtitles? Want to reposition them so they are directly above the hardcoded Chinese subs, but dont want the grey background that they currently sit on

When will you upload season 2? pls upload