Encode of JPBD by me | Thanks to Anonymous@U2 for BDs
English Audio from FUNimation
Episode 1, I’ve replaced the OP on the end with Clean OP. The credits were heavier since I guess there was no OP+ED, only OP on the end.
The heavier credits really clashed with my OP Subs. So I just swapped in Clean Version.
Subtitles are also included.
Subtitles 1 (Default): Songs & Signs - Eng Song Subs by me | Signs from Crunchyroll
Subtitles 2 Subtitles - Jpn Songs Subs by Me | Subs & Signs from Crunchyroll
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Comments - 24
Could you do slime as well.
thank you. :)
is there any difference between the tv version and bluray version?
KaiDubs (uploader)
Part 1 USBD hits in November, I believe. Part 2 hopefully not long after.
I imagine will get a Dual Audio JPBD (Or USBD Encodes) when that comes.
I made this release for myself, because I wanted to watch Shield Hero but I didn’t want to watch Crunchyroll Video.
Especially after friends mentioning bad artifacting. Funimation came into play but I already started the project, so I stuck to it.
I didn’t watch Simulcast/TV, so I have no clue.
nice. thank you!
did anyone sub the op/ed beside the first ed(saw it on bootube/youtube somewhere)?
Iama karaoke snob…well…I need some karaoke anyway…how else can I drunk sing to things in engrish?
KaiDubs (uploader)
I subbed both Openings (English & Japanese) & Endings, yes.
Good thing it’s karaoke then :P
KaiDubs its something, I’ll take it, thank you for the work!
Thank you very much!
hi KaiDubs.
i am very sorry and
i’m not forcing you to do it, just it is up to you.
Thank you!!!
Which are the best eng dub, CR or Funi?
Is there a way to get the subs separately?, I have the raws. Thank you for your hard work!
Man… 43GBs is a lot. In general, a 1080p dual audio BDRip shouldn’t be more than 1.5GBs/episode, so this should be no more than 36-38GB at most, preferably closer to 30GBs.
KaiDubs (uploader)
They’re both the Bang Zoom! Entertainment Dub. FUNimation is higher bitrate though, so FUNimation.
Seems it’s gotten fetched by request on animetosho.org, so you can get them there. Make sure to include the fonts so my subs look as intended.
Personal Opinion. But I don’t think 43GB is a lot for 1080p/24 episodes. You can do your own encode if you want everything in your specific range but you can’t except encoders/groups to always release how you prefer. There’s some actually really bad cases (not of this series but in general) if you want to bag on someone for bloating a release.
Why are these releases so massive? Its monstrously impractical for archival, might as well just do this one myself as well imao, no one knows how to properly use x265 either.
Think I did my own unreleased Japanese Pocket Monsters, 50mb per episode with no difference from the RAW, all 10bit and separate OP and END files.
thank you for releasing high quality files. all these ungrateful bitch*s can download a low quality file and stop complaining about the size
edit: nevermind dude why is ENG audio so low quality, ruined it for me
@tomyud: The English audio is so LQ because it’s from a webstream, as the USBD hasn’t released yet. Yeah, it sucks.
i just wait for USBD english audio release
USBD is out, anychance you will upload it?? please
@tomyud you can download here https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1253870 this USBD based release
@tomyud That’s what you get for trying to watch a dub, heretic!
I appreciate the clean op and ending.
The discord link doesn’t work, but I wanted to ask if there is way to change the sub fonts? what program do you use?
Thanks so much got back into shield hero thanks to this since I couldnt find the BD at any stores where I live & I dont feel like dealing with shitty stream services not sure why are some people complaining about file sizes a exsternal HDD isnt that hard to get plus the encode was flawless