Dragon Ball Z Madman DVD Singles ISOs, Volume 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 :: Nyaa ISS

Dragon Ball Z Madman DVD Singles ISOs, Volume 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04

2019-08-04 21:00
No information.
File size:
17.1 GiB
Info hash:

Here are a few details

Resolution: 720x576 (PAL DVD)
Framerate: 25fps
Video Codec: MPEG 1/2
Bitrate: Usually hovers between 6000 and 7500kbps and at most it’s slightly over 9000kbps. (Later Madman volumes seem to have higher bitrates, at least Volume 11 did for Episode 34)

Language: English
Channels: 2 (Stereo)
Bitrate: 224kbps (The Pioneer one is 384kbps might i add)
Audio Codec: AC3
Samplerate: 48000HZ
Bits per Sample: 32

No Dubtitles and not Japanese version (like any Ocean release except for the Movies) all Recaps and Next Episode Previews included, extra bonus promo’s for other home video unlike Pioneer and RTD and all end narrations of ‘‘Stay tuned for scenes from the Next Episode of Dragon Ball Z’’ included, which is missing on Pioneer except for the last episode on each DVD volume.

Here’s a link to screenshots from the Madman DVDs: https://imgur.com/gallery/QxCRMZS

If you have any questions leave them in the comments!

File list

  • Dragon Ball Z Madman Singles 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04
    • 1.01 - Saiyan Conflict - Arrival (Episodes 001-004).iso (4.3 GiB)
    • 1.02 - Saiyan Conflict - The Saiyans (Episodes 005-007).iso (4.3 GiB)
    • 1.03 - Saiyan Conflict - Snake Way (Episodes 008-010).iso (4.3 GiB)
    • 1.04 - Saiyan Conflict - Pendulum Room (Episodes 011-013).iso (4.2 GiB)

The Madman DVDs for the Saban DBZ dub feel like the definitive release. Unless FUNimation makes a superior one which I doubt very much.

FUNimation’s 30th DBZ BD is a joke. ?

GP119 (uploader)


@Super_Saiyan_Lusitano The RTD Set is arguably just as good, with the lack of frame blending and the grey-ish look being easy to fix, but yeah the Madman DVDs are definitely great. Also ‘‘FUNimation’s 30th DBZ BD is a joke.’’

I wonder what’s new. I mean the dub audio could be worth it, but that’s a niche thing really. (Now please seed quick if you can, i’m about to turn my PC off so i can’t seed until tomorrow)

From what I’ve seen, they’re just making a 4:3 AR version of the Season Sets while labelling “The Definitive Edition for the Hardcore Dragon Ball Z fans”.

It’s FUNimation. What’re gonna do about it.

Thank you!

These have the iconic, “Stand by for Dragon Ball Z” and also all of the NEPs, unlike the Funi release.

Dude, these are getting released out of order. Please don’t end up leaving us with bits and prices of the Saiyan-Namek arc.

GP119 (uploader)


@SylentEcho I won’t, but i won’t make another torrent for the Madman Singles for quite some time, so keep this torrent alive while you are at it!

GP119 (uploader)


@piratemonkeyj184 Don’t worry, i’ll upload ALL Ocean Dub Madman volumes to multiple Google Drives and link them here, so don’t worry! It will be here today or tomorrow!

@GP119 Thank you so much for uploading these on Google Drive!

GP119 (uploader)


@PavleV No problem! By the way, are you the guy who shared some of the Madman DVDs and FUNi Singles in a YT comment section? Just wondering.

@GP119 Yes I am I lost access to the Madman DVD folder which is a bummer since that folder had some Madman Funimation DVD’s singles. I apologize if those were not mean to be shared

GP119 (uploader)


@PavleV Yeah, it’s fine. But yes, they were not meant to be shared yet that is. They will become shareable later once the entire drive is backed up, just in case someone wants to take it down for whatever reason. You lost access because it became a private Google Drive, so yeah.

@GP119 now I have all of saban series thanks to you
but what about the movies ? ( not the uncut ones) you told me in some of your torrent comments that you will share them as well, I’m still looking forward for that.
Unfortunately I’ve n’t been able to download your bonus link that you posted above ( movie 3 )

@GP119 Thank you for clearing that up I thought I lost access to them though to be kicked from the Seed of Might Discord server.

Hi, the 1.16, 1.17 and Movie 3 link is giving a 404 error.

GP119 (uploader)


@SylentEcho Here you go, i fixed it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HC-G7IoS77YsT0MzZAv0e6goa_clNAYr

(Btw the Madman Movie 3 Ocean Dub is of course, Uncut, not the edited 3 episode broadcast on Syndication or the edited standalone movie of the Cartoon Network Broadcast or from the RTD set.)

@GP119 Do you also plan on uploading the Funimation MadMan DVD singles?

GP119 (uploader)


@PavleV Well i don’t, because the FUNi ones are for the most part better.

@GP119 Yeah they are though the MadMan ones had some cool fixes like in Episode 60 were they had Vegeta say Kakarot instead of Goku like in the original Cartoon Network broadcast thankfully iKaos used the same fix for his release.

GP119 (uploader)


That is true, though i would rather release the CN Broadcast Episodes here than the couple of Madman DVDs because of their rarity in good quality.

These are cool though I already have the RTD set which have the original toonami bumpers it’s cool to have an uninterrupted viewing of these episodes aswell. Also I love how these have the toonami Intro before the Intro song.

Wow actually after comparison, these look bad in comparison to the RTD set. There is a lot juddering when panning the screen also the clarity isnt as good. I’d say of you can get the RTD set for sure!