[Rat Hat Subs] GeGeGe no Kitaro (1985, Movie 2) - The Great Youkai War (10-bit, x265, 540p) :: Nyaa ISS

[Rat Hat Subs] GeGeGe no Kitaro (1985, Movie 2) - The Great Youkai War (10-bit, x265, 540p)

2019-08-11 16:52
File size:
137.0 MiB
Info hash:


The 1985 version of GeGeGe no Kitaro’s Great Youkai War story, now with 100% more Halley’s Comet!

I’m trying out a different font for my subs called OpenDyslexic, a font that is evidently easier to read not just for dyslexic people, but for viewers in general. I’m not sure it has to be installed for it to work, but you can get it for free at the link.

Raw provided by Enchibi, subtitles and translation by me.

Dani Dandelion
Rat Hat Subs

File list

  • [Rat Hat Subs] GeGeGe no Kitaro (1985, Movie 2) - The Great Youkai War (10-bit, x265, 540p).mkv (137.0 MiB)

Why do you keep using shitty re-encoded video and audio?
Also fix that fucking font… christ it’s ugly.

dani_dandelion (uploader)


You want to override the font in your video player? Be my guest. If the quality of this 1980s cartoon bothers you, then go buy and rip the DVDs yourself.

@dani_dandelion Thank you for this, looking forward to the rest of the movies. Side note, those are big ass subs, been unsuccessfully trying to make them a little smaller, any ideas how I can do that?
@Tjona The only thing that’s ugly is your attitude, this shit is free and you don’t appreciate the effort, do one.

dani_dandelion (uploader)


Most video players I know of have overrides for subs to change font, size, and other things. I’m trying to go for a balance between “easy to see” and “doesn’t hit 3 lines” for my subs. I previously used Verdana font for my subs, and they took up just as much height, just with closer spacing between lines. I actually hate it when people use a tiny-ass font in their subs, or make them blend in too much. People with even worse eyesight than me like how I do my subs, which is part of why I make them the way I do.

I didn’t re-encode. The video/audio of the subbed version are the same as the Enchibi raw source. You’re not helping anyone by harping on this, and you’re not contributing anything helpful. The subs are never 3 lines for me, and the font isn’t that big, so that’s something happening on your end.

dani_dandelion (uploader)


No. Cry about it.

yep, doesn’t look like it supposed to

dani_dandelion (uploader)


Maybe the font used has to be installed first? That’s why I included it in the description.

I will lower the font size a bit in future releases, but I’m sticking with the font otherwise. I did my research, and found nothing but positive feedback from people who found it easier to read. I didn’t use a 1080p source, because there wasn’t one I could find anywhere. I can’t please every picky videophile, anyway, and I won’t bend over backwards to try. Y’all don’t pay me enough.

Is the font not properly muxed? Otherwise there’s no need to install it to work.