Source form BDMV.
Video Format: HEVC 10 bit (crf=18, preset=slow
w/ bframes=8:limit-sao:psy-rd=1.5:aq-mode=3:frame-threads=1
Audio Format:
Subtitle: ASS, Resynced (DameDesuYo/?; Thank this guy who made this torrent: 1041329)
This series is surprisingly well mastered with minimal banding. However, as a continuation of my previous decision to not get into filtering (different people have different opinions on how anime should be filtered, totally not because I’m too dumb to figure out how to setup AVIsynth scripts), here are some of my suggestions on how to setup your video player.
To those who don’t know what a debanding filter does, see this link: MPV Deband Example. 1st and 3rd image is from DanMachi: Orion no Ya, 2nd image is from DanMachi: Oratoia.
For those who have a weak-ass system (or have Linux/MAC), MPV is amazingly resource efficient even with the deband filter applied. Here is my code for mpv.conf, feel free to tinker the values. For MAC users I recommend IINA which uses MPV backend and supports MPV&ffmpeg filters.
deband-iterations=3 #Deband steps (More = Better quality, but higher GPU cost) Default = 4 <1..16>
deband-threshold=40 #Deband strength (More = Less banding, but more detail loss) Default = 48 <0..4096>
deband-range=20 #Deband range (More = Less banding, but higher GPU cost) Default = 16 <1..64>
deband-grain=15 #Dynamic Grain (More = More dynamic grain) Set to "0" in case you use the static grain shader. Default = 48 <0..4096>
For those not comfortable spending the time tinkering with MPV (took me forever to setup mpv.conf, input.conf, and osc.conf to my liking), you have 2 options.
Comments - 18
This a reencode?
ApachePrime (uploader)
@tsuna69 From BDMV. I’ll edit the post.
Note: If it’s a re-encode I tag the post as a remake.
A re-encode (red torrent) is an encode that was encoded from another encode. If you encoded directly from the BDMV you do not mark it as a remake.
@DmonHiro Technically, a video of BDMV is an encode. We are all re-encoding :P
Dmon dude but what if the uploader does not mark it as a reencode does the mods do it?
ApachePrime (uploader)
@tsuna69 It usually gets re-tagged by mods. There are rare exceptions as it is a “remake” tag not a “re-encode” tag, although 99% of re-encodes are remakes.
So is it safe to asume that all torrents that are not mark red are not reencodes?
ApachePrime (uploader)
@tsuna69 Well usually, but some common sense should help along the way. For example, BDMV encodes usually include extras, although that is not always the case. The opposite is also true sometimes.
Depends entirely on the group. Raw groups typically includes either everything, or just the episodes. Fansub groups typically either do just episodes, or episodes + NCs.
Oh and ya some encoders dont bother to add the extras
Also remake and reencode are the same thing right?
What a bullshit discussion…
ApachePrime (uploader)
A remake is derived from another release. A re-encode is a re-encode. 99% re-encodes are remakes because they are derivations of another release. However, if you created subs that you translated yourself and remuxed / muxed with re-encoded video from a raw source it is technically not a “remake”, although it is still courtesy to credit your sources.
TL;DR: To not be classified as a “remake” something needs to be original in the release.
oh is that so thanks for the info dude
Not QAAC still ԅ(º﹃ºԅ) !!joking use whatever ya want.
not like i care or anything, hmph!
ApachePrime (uploader)
@noZA_ ರ_ರ
In all seriousness FDK AAC is just much easier to integrate into my workflow and not fiddle with piping/remuxing. All it takes is to compile a non-free ffmpeg/HandbrakeCLI. Other than the 1% of people with high-end equipment most people won’t be able to tell the difference between qaac
-q 92
and FDK AAC-v 5
. My personal ABX limit is about-q 62
for qaac and-v 4
for FDK AAC.As for the audio commentary’s
-v 3
errr,it’s totally not to save that extra few MBs.Now teach me how to use AVIsynth/vapoursynth
Thank you so much!! I’ve been looking for a release like this