@ aptop6
I guess there is something wrong, maybe it’s showing up as a virus due to the big size, or because of a modified variable by the software i’ve used while convert from png to ico, it’s common.
Anyway way, you can convert the png version above to .ico using an online web site, and sorry for any missunderstanding, because we are here to share something we love, not viruses.
Why is this release so dark? Other BD releases look like the NTV one, but this one has many spots during the show that are darkened out. I kinda like it though.
Comments - 10
Hmm… That .ico file looks kinda shady.
It shows as an .exe file in virus total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855/details
Paraexo (uploader)
@ aptop6
I guess there is something wrong, maybe it’s showing up as a virus due to the big size, or because of a modified variable by the software i’ve used while convert from png to ico, it’s common.
Anyway way, you can convert the png version above to .ico using an online web site, and sorry for any missunderstanding, because we are here to share something we love, not viruses.
Why 720p?
@Sraka-tan 720 is best for this series. See the screenshots comparison there’s very little quality loss from the source which is 166GB.
You are a fucking idiot.
for a a few of the episodes, the subs are out of sync
Why is this release so dark? Other BD releases look like the NTV one, but this one has many spots during the show that are darkened out. I kinda like it though.
Best release imo. Rip the fixed subs for 13 and 20 from https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1199365 (read the description).
Here are the fixed subtitles from Judas’ release for anyone that needs them:
If you want an encode with more grain, there’s LowPower-Raws version:
Subtitles for that encode here (same as UQW with fixed 13+20):