This is a :schneizeleffort: edit of Funimation’s subtitles for the movie.
NO THANKS TO JAKA FOR FUCKING EVERYTHING UP. I think this could have been out like 1.5 days ago instead lmao.
Picture dramas maybe? At least we’ll re-encode the raws.
I really don’t have anything to say about this movie at this point…
For those who were lucky enough to not know, the movie is kicking off a 10 year plan for Code Geass. If you’re interested in chatting about Code Geass with other fans, drop by the Cs’ World Discord.
Back to FFXIV now bye.
Comments - 6
Thanks for providing a 720p release too, love you guys ^_^
ggkthx (uploader)
We had to make a 720p video to work with while the 1080p was encoding for a billion hours, so… might as well release it. :)
A plan to milk this for 10 years? Not a anniversary thing? S2 ending lied to me…
much thanks for this
It’s a Christmas Miracle!