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ProjectBorgman: It's not just you. The left channel has both vocal + differently synched (out-of-sync) instrumental/karaoke.
The video quality of the NCOPEDs look like LaserDisc era masters. Some LaserDiscs had both digital PCM and analog audio, one of them (I forgot which) sometimes having JP audio in one channel, music only in another channel. This however seems like digital PCM ended up being in one channel and analog audio in another, possibly when converting from LD or LD's master to digital?
For what it's worth, the French dual audio boxsets had digitally remastered NCOPEDs (I don't remember if they had all NCOPEDs though), but unfortunately converted to PAL without speed up (read: video got blended/ghosted, though they can be, albeit imperfectly, reversed to NTSC by using the correct avisynth filters).
The OVAs are included too, but as far as I know, that never got a Japanese DVD release?
Looking at NCOP1 and OVA ep 1, which uses OP1, they both use the different SFX and voice at the start.
I assume the OVAs come from fanmade LaserDisc-to-DVD conversions, and those NCOPEDs do too.
Things I didn't check: Does the TV series have R2J rental DVDs or only retail DVDs? Rental DVDs can sometimes be nearly identical to retail versions, but with extras stripped. Does it only have one R2J release, or multiple? If there's more than one release, does any of them have the NCOPEDs included?
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