Tenshi Fansubs Presents…
Dragon Quest Legend of the Hero Abel
Note: After the first 32 episodes aired in Japan on Fuji TV back in 1990, they took a 4 month break. After the show came back on the air, they aired this episode, 33… Initially there were 43 episodes, but this episode was skipped entirely on the DVDs and remastered TV airings such as Animax, and even the Web streams such as Amazon Prime Japan. This is the only rip of this episode in existence as far as I know. The DVDs had episodes 1-32, 34-43.
Comments - 4
Muito obrigado mais uma vez, Tenshi!
Is this a recap?
No, it’s not a recap.
Thank you, and if anybody wants to watch the rest of DQ: Abel its fully subbed on YouTube