Thanks for sharing this! It is a wonderful collection. There are many songs here that I love and many others that I didn't yet have in my collection.
On a side note, are some of the songs remastered (sorry if that isn't the correct word)? I don't mean it in a negative sense at all, but I noticed a few sound slightly different, especially 1925. The whole opening of 1925 sounded different than the original on niconico and my copy from a different album as well. Nonetheless, is still a great album.
@Baikaiya Indeed, some songs have been modified in various ways from their original releases.
This is expected due to this album being a compilation of tracks *from* DIVA MEGA39's. On various occasions DIVA songs have had different versions in place of the original. So yes, some tracks have been "remastered." In regards to 1925, this version of the song is quite old, I believe it was featured in one of the Project Mirai games for the 3DS.
On another note, GODLIKE SHARE!! THANK YOU!
Thanks for the response! I guess I have never played any of the Project DIVA games, so I didn't realize that they modified the songs. The only system I own with a release is the 3DS, but I prefer to own the physical copies of 3DS games, so I have held off on purchasing it. Rhythm games aren't really my forte, but I would love to own it just for the songs and visuals.
This upload is randomly missing 1 track from each disc as compared to the official track list ( and the upload of this i could find on animebytes.
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