Track 1(Default): Signs & Songs (SSA) – Subs from D0ugyB0y
Track 2: Subtitles (SSA) – Subs from D0ugyB0y
Track 3: Subtitles (Netflix, SRT)
Track 4: JP CC (Netflix, SRT)
Track 5: JP CC (Included on BD, SUP)
Netflix has more language tracks (See DragsterPS’s release) but only including English/Japanese. If you want to sync others, simply throw it in Subtitle Edit, goto “Batch Convert” (Even if single file) and “Change frame rate”. 24.000 to 23.976. Convert, then “Offset time codes”, and 998 milliseconds, Show earlier, I think the offset was. (So the last 3 numbers, set to 998). Convert again and should be good.
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Comments - 9
Idk if I’m understanding this correctly, but basically, you encoded EAC3 audio to FLAC?
I understand little of muxing audio… i want put italian dub and sub from dragsterps’s release.
usually use for this things MKVToolNix GUI/merge…can you help me with the settings to use to synchronize everything?
Thanks in advance :)
Encoding lossy audio to lossless is incredibly fucking stupid. You’re not gaining anything, you’re just increasing the filesize for absolutely no reason! Just keep it in bloody E-AC3, you moron.
EDIT: Aight, just read the other post. You should really clarify your reasoning in the description, because holy shit did you miss the mark. If you ever do something as dumb as do a lossy -> lossless conversion, at least state the reason well. Not just a “oh, I heard it was better!”, because people are bound to misunderstand why you’d do it.
why not use the 640 kbps audio of both the languages from netflix?
thank you
love you !!
KaiDubs (uploader)
I did…
“Since was mentioned on the previous torrent that E-AC3 to AC3 reduces quality.”
Well, I couldn’t retain E-AC3, as eac3to wouldn’t apply FPS change on E-AC3 for some reason. Originally was AC3 but was going off previous torrent comments and switched.
That’s the source of the English. But why would I use Netflix Web Japanese Audio over the Japanese Blu-ray’s own audio?.. I can’t see any reason to do that. You could encode the blu-ray audio to 640, if that’s just your preference, but using Netflix instead doesn’t really make sense to me. Use Web Audio if got no Blu-ray Audio. But not Web when Blu-ray is available…
you can use ffmpeg instead to get eac3 output @KaiDubs
And you are missing the point of using x265 video. Please also state what crf you are using for the video compression.
Please check this torrent He has superb quality using just crf21. Total file size is just 802MB (audio is compressed opus, but could hardly feel any difference while watching)!
When hearing the same music with my eyes closed and a high quality headphones, if I switch between 96k opus and 1000k flac, there is an obvious difference in quality. But when comparing 256k opus to 1000k flac the difference is so small that I get fed up looking for differences as its so similar. When watching movies we have our eyes open and are so engrossed by the video that it becomes pointless to use flac. Please think about it. Remember its easier for seeders if the file size is small.
Still, I do appreciate your hard work. Thank You.