What is this? Because I'm Polish and I still don't know what is this... xd
What is this "PowerHeart" and is this covers collection or something? Like "NanoKarrin" - ok, that's fandub group, but what about the rest?
Like... "music nice for ears and for heart" isn't really a good description :v
Większość piosenek podchodzi pod anime. Są to Openingi i Endingi z różnych serii anime. Na przykład No Game No Life czy zestaw piosenek Fairy Tail'a.
Nazwa PowerHeart jak sama nazwa wskazuje oznacza Moc i Serce. Nazwa wymyślona by piosenki miały własną przynależność.
the file is a __MP3 128 kbps__ converted to 32 bit WAV totally unnecessary.
by the way, this torrent was removed and you re-uploaded it.
I backup the page because I knew it would be removed.
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