I had the last torrent removed by the admin since the audio was broken on nearly every single media player. This one should work since I changed the file to MP4 and the audio rate to 128kb. If you downloaded the last one and it worked fine for you, there is no need to download this version.
Hey everyone,
Since the worldwide movie premiere was delayed indefinitely due to Covid-19, I spend some time fixing up the camrip by AbyssDelver. This includes crispier lines, detailed rich backgrounds and the total elimination of image noise due to filming in a dim environment done by brand new upscaling techniques processed through an AI-driven program. It doesn’t fix the inherent problems that come with a camrip but it’s a vast improvement overall. The subs included are the V3 version from AnonDelver & AbysmalSubs
The audio remains the same as the camrip with the exception of a little something special at the very end.
Name: Made in Abyss - Dawn of the Deep Soul
Year: 2020
Runtime: 01:44:20
Enhance version: x265 MP4 1920x1080 at 3000kb/s, 8 bits, ACC 128kb, 2.32GB
Comments - 27
Why do you still bother with this?
Obviously people had issues with the picture quality as well…
It’s like you’re only listening through one ear…
I think it would be more impressive if somehow you got the Japanese Bluray and ripped it…
No BD No Download
did you do the unskewing of the video suggested under the previous torrent? (for mplayer it would be -vf-pre ‘perspective=0:0:1920:0:-250:1000:1920:1080:0’ and judging by other comments, your source should have the image part you cut off on the bottom left, resulting in a complete screen)
AScientificTriumph (uploader)
Why do you still come around here and comment? If you don’t like it, don’t download it.
There were problems with the last release and I fixed it. Is that really hard for you to understand?
You don’t get to tell people what to do, how they should do it or how they spend their time.
If you notice it was multiple people did call you out, excluding me.
All I said was where was the Marulk specials.
Does calling only me out somewhat make you feel better?
As for me, I had no issues with the audio and many came to you with other issues.
You are obviously prioritizing the most active only with a simple fix.
So sorry, but I am most definitely not your mother or trying to be; I think it’s clear as day with your passive aggressive reply, you may be anal with something you didn’t really work on.
Note the subs are not yours which you stated yourself, you literally just took them from the original camrips.
Hopefully quarantine hasn’t gotten to your head. Or better yet the refund of your movie ticket. Making you respond the way you have.
Sounds like you waifu2x’ed it
let’s try to watch sucks all negative comments, cuz is CAM shot so what you expect like bdrips oh come on guys.
AScientificTriumph (uploader)
Close, but I used Power Director’s denoise twice before using Topaz’s Video Enhance AI on the footage three times.
You babies cry about the quality. You haven’t been around the time when Haruhi movie came out in cam, did you? Good times.
Typical hypocrite, oreharu blasted this cam rip then watched it anyway. It’s just looking for attention. Makes the first to response on torrents a negative to ensure something is said back. The reality of CamRips is they can’t help being what they are. They offer an early viewing of something. Anyone that wants to watch that something early. Wont care about it being a CamRip. Nobody really knows when this movie is going to be released on DVD.
This CamRip is good the screen is level the picture is clear.
It definitely looks better than the original cam, Thank you! I appreciate the effort!
As for the losers above, they might be 12 yo and have no idea what it was to watch everything in 360p back in the day, in comparison this looks perfect.
That sounds even worse than waifu2x
AScientificTriumph (uploader)
“That sounds even worse than waifu2x”
I don’t like the look of Waifu2x and even though my process takes horrendously longer time, the quality is far superior.
I never comment on nyaa, but i felt i have to because of what is going on here.
Thank you uploader. Haters are gonna hate.
Definitely not. If you’re using Power Director to denoise, you probably don’t know what you’re doing. There’s literally no reason to use that over bm3d or knlmeans. Also denoising 3x is a horrible idea, it destroys more detail and cause more harm (camrips don’t have detail anyway, but there’s still no reason to make it worse ).
Not trying to just hate on you, but you should learn how filtering works before attempting something like this. Wrong filtering is worse than no filtering
How long did it take you to encode this tho?
Please, please don’t bad mouth the cam movies. These are true fans who went to a movie and sat all through it with a camera (and had to hide from the theater people somehow). Please give them your appreciation. This is for people who were eagerly waiting for the STORY, and quality was secondary. For people who can wait for quality, they will wait for the bluray.
Don’t forget - these guys are honest and have clearly marked in caps that its a ‘CAM’.
Thank you so much for your effort. And also for doing x265.
Please ignore the negative comments.
Story was really good and even though it was not bluray the enjoyment was equally good. Glad that I watched it.
Ignore that faggot oreharu and Hifumi_l, they’re a bunch of kids who are probably neck deep in fortnite-tier memes and 4chan related bullshit. The rest of us really appreciate the work that went into this rip. Of course it’s nice to watch it now instead of having to wait until September for a BDrip. Thanks again.
@SeaSmoke why are you bitching about pixels when you probably watched this on a 6 year old iPad you fucktard? If you want to do better, download one of the much larger bloated RAW camrips and do your own encoding you gigantic fuckstain.
Please don’t let fucking retards like those three stop you from making quality releases like this in the future. I watched this on a 4K 55" Sony Bravia and it looked great. Just turned the saturation up a bit and increased sharpness and smoothness a touch.
From your username, I’m assuming that you’re trolling. If you’re actually being serious, you’re far too retarded to even bother replying to.
Soo you just moozzified it a little bit?
Nice work. Does a good job removing the noise and cleaning the lines up, some shots are legit really close to how it looked in the cinema now. Surprising how much of a difference it makes.There’s no way of fixing the main problems with the original video I guess, so it still won’t be good enough for some. But as a camrip this looks really solid now. Thanks for taking the time to clean it up.
Oh man, using my Subtitles, they are so bad lol. Anyone reading this please use Doshigata’s instead.
Great stuff, thanks for uploading.
Also thanks for linking the subs abysmalhuman
25th of September is the release date for the blu-ray. Hopefully some chink will be able to rip it a few weeks before that.
LOL, Stupid people posting negative comments bashing the uploader about CamRip quality here is the dumbest shit ever.
Like bitch, this is torrent and camrip on top of that, if you have got standards go to the theatres or wait to buy the DVD yourself.