To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - 14
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Enjoy the release!
Comments - 48
waiting for xvid
thanks govna
me too
Little did they know that xvid/avi was the superior video all along.
Onee-sama == darling?
I really wanna know what in GOD’S name was whoever who translated this was thinking. Like SERIOUSLY? WTF!
@vikrant9760 this is trash like Commie.
Some subs are mistranslation for name, oneesama, oniichan, and etc
Must be hard being this retarded.
Let’s face it, there is no good translations for honorifics and “onee-sama”. But at least it’s not “sissy”.
GoodJobMedia (uploader)
We’re 14 episodes into our third To Aru show, if you haven’t gotten used to us not using honorifics, there’s nothing we can really say to you except “watch someone else’s”.
It’s not mistranslated, you just don’t like it.
Then, re-fix it yourself again for missing name, and some
Someone did re-fix on GJM’s sub, is good job, but GJM is disappointed. is better than this shit
GoodJobMedia (uploader)
Doesn’t need fixing. Watch an edit if you need certain things done differently.
Stop downloading these releases if they don’t fit your tastes.
We have nothing more to say on this matter.
If you dont know what onee-sama means you will be like
“wtf is this word, why is it not translated”
and if you know what it means you will hear kuroko say it so you will be like
“yea she said onee-sama and they translated it to darling but i dont care bcs i know that she said it so i can ignore the word in the subs”
+ I think darling is way better than sissy
Nobody cares…
I think it’s just you.
@GoodJobMedia I think I DEFINITELY WILL stop watching.
Its not a mistranslation? It doesn’t need fixing? Like seriously?
You label “onee-sama” as “darling” and its not a fucking mistranslation? Bring me any Japanese who agree that onee-sama means darling LMFAO.
You could have used “dear sister” or “big sis” or anything else which was at least accurate, but “darling”? Like seriously?
And then you actually go ahead and argue that it doesn’t need fixing. Wow heights of cancer man. People told me GJM is shit but guess I’ve seen for myself now.
@omnipotent500 I was actually using their subtitles for the first 13 episodes thankfully, so I didn’t catch on to this before.(God bless the soul who edited those subs for the first 13 eps)
I don’t mind at all if a release group is against honorifics, its a completely personal choice, but this is a mistranslation(putting it mildly). Its straight up disrespectful to the source language. How in God’s good world does “onee-sama” mean “darling” is beyond me.
GoodJobMedia (uploader)
The translator for this show LIVES in Japan. So does one of its TLCs. We have another TLC in our group who is a Japanese native, and when asked, he had no problems with the choice.
Again: It’s not a translation mistake, you just don’t like it. (And that’s fine, but don’t call it something it isn’t.)
There’s no further discussion to be had, we’re at an impasse. Stop watching our release, and you’ll be much happier. We have no intention of trying to convince you otherwise, that devolves into namecalling and shitposting every time. So frankly, move on and don’t look back.
The edited version isn’t wrong either if those are your tastes, but personally, we like it less and thus won’t directly recommend it.
Its funny how you try to argue your point by saying the translator lives in Japan. They don’t know Japanese very well then do they?
No it is a “MISTRANSLATION” because simply in no part of Japan does “onee-sama” mean “darling”
“Onee” literally means big sister and you use “sama” for someone who is highly respectable to you.
How does that translate to Darling?
And yes I actually do plan on moving on and not looking at your shitty releases, not like I did before, and I’ll be sure to let anyone who watches Railgun to stay away from this cancer.
I, too, am extremely knowledgeable in nihongo
GoodJobMedia (uploader)
Context, my friend. Translations aren’t just words in a vacuum.
Also, stop using cancer as an insult, it’s embarrassing.
But yes, please move on and watch something worse, we will not miss you.
the honorifics battle is a never-ending bloody war
you can not prevent it, only delay it.
GoodJobMedia (uploader)
Too true. It’s cringe every time it comes around, too.
God save us all from this hell.
Its sad how you still think this is about honorifics. Really sad. The problem isn’t that you’re not using honorifics. The problem is what you’re using in its place.
I don’t think no matter what context it is, “onee-sama” does not translate to “darling”. Like I said, you could have used “big sis” or “dear sister” thats not honorifics now is it?
The fact is Japanese is a respectable culture and nobody there even goes around using the word “darling” even in its actual context.
Anyways thats drifting away from the point, the fact still remains the same that this argument is about mistranslation and not honorifics(which is what you’re actually using as an excuse to hide behind your mistake)
As for telling me to watch something worse, I feel any release that does not translate oneesama as darling is a million times better lol.
The reason there’s such a lack of honorifics now is because it’s a chemical subtitle operation, and I have the GJM documents where they said they’re going to encourage honorific slaughtering with chemicals so that people don’t have good subs.
til calling someone darling is disrespectful
Some things never change, huh.
Oh no, not this again…
I have no idea why you don’t just give double tracks like MTBB, does that take a lot of time? If that’s the case then it’s understandable.
Fwiw I don’t care about this honorifics war, it’s fine either way.
some of us don’t want to encourage weebs
btw #killallweebs
I agreed with how onee-sama == dear sister. If we’re talking about context, i think what vikrant said is already in the context of how onee-sama would actually means.
I also agreed with someone who said about doing it in 2 tracks to solve this preference problem. Its not about being weeb or anything, its how when you’re knowledgeable in both english and japanese that it irks you when the translation isn’t accurate.
I loves GJM releases, but what the vikrant said is also true about the translation, labelling GJM as trash and cancer is a bit too much though, since he’s doing this for free, we have no right to do so.
Just admit it already, we’re all weebs for life lol
Once weeb always weeb.
two tracks is double the work and things to keep track of.
just download the shitty find and replace releases if it bothers you that much. That way you can see how little the fuckos that care about this shit actually care about the show.
Thanks for the great subs!
I feel like the ones complaing about it, never watched railgun before.
Thanks for the darling ;)
Edit: Whew, 14 episodes already and some people still complain about ‘onee-sama’ shit. Go get your fix of ‘onee-sama’ somewhere else.
I demand onee-sama be translated to sis, your highness !
Just translate it to bruh instead. At least the oneesama-darling-sissy war will be ended.
Now THAT is a nice meme.
Some things, sons they just won’t change
Fools don’t respect nuttin but the gangbang
What’s seen is what’s saw, Dogg is the law
I have you niggas runnin like a marathon
Little G’s tryna creep, on the East with it
Talkin ‘bout they gon’ get my chain and they gon’ leave with it
But they don’t know once they get close
It’s Tic-Tac Toe, three motherfuckers laid on the floor
Yeah, this happened yesterday
On the West they spray - I heard the ese say, he said…
lmao ???
Thank you!
When will this group just go away from the scene? They’re a burden on people who have to edit their releases all the time.