as for the 3rd ed, here is the tentative release dates for the various books (so far the only ones I have see that you can buy are the Genki I text and workbook)
Release schedule (tentative)
February 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1731-2
August 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1732-9
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II Workbook (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1733-6
October 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Answer Key (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1736-7
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Teacher’s Manual (based on 3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1734-3
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Teacher’s Resources (based on 3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1735-0
2021: Revised versions of GENKI Apps (GENKI Vocab/Kanji/Conj) and GENKI Online
I remembered that I had some additional Japanese language textbooks, including one on non-verbal communication (all those hand signs they do)
there are 6 of them, all pdf format, so I zipped them up using WinRAR (no password, no special settings) and uploaded them to a mega account
feel free to add them to this batch, or to start a fresh torrent for them (it is less than 150MB)
This post has this mirror for all files in this torrent and some additional resources. This folder has these files stored in compressed archives split by volume and file type (PDF/MP3), which reduces the total download size by ~20%. It also has the aforementioned additional resources and the recently released digital practice slides for the second edition (see official website).
A certain private liberal arts college in California “offers” an online audio player for the second edition (1, 2) with the same files as this torrent, except for Workbook I, which has a different cover image and metadata. They also have other audio resources of varying quality. Figuring out how to “rip” these files is left as an exercise for the reader.
For those wondering, dead_ferret’s archive contains the following files:
70 Japanese Gestures No-Language-Communication.pdf
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar.pdf
Japanese Core Words and Phrases.pdf
Japanese Particle Workbook.pdf
Japanese Verbs and Essentials of Grammar (2nd Ed).pdf
The first file was linked here (mirror), files two to four are included in two other torrents (1, 2), that also contain files with the same names as the last two, but they are not identical, as the fifth file is a much higher quality version of the same scan, while the last one seems to have the same content with a different file structure.
Links for files two to six can be found here.
Some quotes from the leaflet for the third edition (mirror) on the official website (machine translations added):
Words that are seldom used in today’s Japan are being replaced with words used often.
Removed: 喫茶店 (coffee shop/lounge)、はがき (postcard)、切手 ((postage) stamp)、CD、DVD、床屋 (barber) and more
Added: カフェ (cafe)、コンビニ (convenience store)、スマホ (smartphone)、携帯 (mobile phone)、彼氏 (boyfriend) and more
The dialogues and reading material have been partially revised to remove outdated situations and content.
Meeting scene
Mary: Excuse me, what time is it?
Takeshi: It’s 12 o’clock.
To be changed because people are now less likely to ask others for the time.
Complicated practices will be replaced with ones easier to perform […].
The audio material supplied on CD-ROM will instead be provided online through apps and downloads.
Judging by what I have seen so far, the changes made for the third edition of the first book do not justify the much higher price when compared to the second edition.
Storing the audio as MP3 files on a CD was a stupid idea, but at least one could use them offline and resell the complete package at a later date. Now only educational facilities get MP3 files and even then only for the main book rather than also the workbook, while a normal buyer requires a phone and has to install malware a phone app, which means they lied by omission in the leaflet.
wow, you seem to hate everyone who is not singing your praises as the ultimate authority on everything
one of the things in your long posts about other sources for the few things I did a small batch for, that it looks like you completely ignored, was that in the batch torrent various files like the GENKI books are the very old out-of-date 1st edition from 1999
(this was reported by someone who had evidently downloaded some of those files)
and that unless someone downloaded “special” {as you like to call it “malware”} software, a downloader will not even be able to read some of what they download
so why don’t you come down off your self-righteous high horse and stop pretending to be the absolute authority on everything
Comments - 15
which edition ? 1st or second
3rd edition is still coming out and wont be complete until late this year
2nd editions @dead_ferret. This is the newest one I could find
thank you for that info
and arigato for the torrent of these
as for the 3rd ed, here is the tentative release dates for the various books (so far the only ones I have see that you can buy are the Genki I text and workbook)
Release schedule (tentative)
February 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1731-2
August 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1732-9
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II Workbook (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1733-6
October 2020
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Answer Key (3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1736-7
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Teacher’s Manual (based on 3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1734-3
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Teacher’s Resources (based on 3rd Edition)
ISBN 978-4-7890-1735-0
2021: Revised versions of GENKI Apps (GENKI Vocab/Kanji/Conj) and GENKI Online
I remembered that I had some additional Japanese language textbooks, including one on non-verbal communication (all those hand signs they do)
there are 6 of them, all pdf format, so I zipped them up using WinRAR (no password, no special settings) and uploaded them to a mega account
feel free to add them to this batch, or to start a fresh torrent for them (it is less than 150MB)
This post has this mirror for all files in this torrent and some additional resources.
This folder has these files stored in compressed archives split by volume and file type (PDF/MP3), which reduces the total download size by ~20%. It also has the aforementioned additional resources and the recently released digital practice slides for the second edition (see official website).
A certain private liberal arts college in California “offers” an online audio player for the second edition (1, 2) with the same files as this torrent, except for Workbook I, which has a different cover image and metadata. They also have other audio resources of varying quality. Figuring out how to “rip” these files is left as an exercise for the reader.
For those wondering, dead_ferret’s archive contains the following files:
The first file was linked here (mirror), files two to four are included in two other torrents (1, 2), that also contain files with the same names as the last two, but they are not identical, as the fifth file is a much higher quality version of the same scan, while the last one seems to have the same content with a different file structure.
Links for files two to six can be found here.
Some quotes from the leaflet for the third edition (mirror) on the official website (machine translations added):
Judging by what I have seen so far, the changes made for the third edition of the first book do not justify the much higher price when compared to the second edition.
Storing the audio as MP3 files on a CD was a stupid idea, but at least one could use them offline and resell the complete package at a later date. Now only educational facilities get MP3 files and even then only for the main book rather than also the workbook, while a normal buyer requires a phone and has to install
malwarea phone app, which means they lied by omission in the leaflet.dead_ferret
wow, you seem to hate everyone who is not singing your praises as the ultimate authority on everything
one of the things in your long posts about other sources for the few things I did a small batch for, that it looks like you completely ignored, was that in the batch torrent various files like the GENKI books are the very old out-of-date 1st edition from 1999
(this was reported by someone who had evidently downloaded some of those files)
and that unless someone downloaded “special” {as you like to call it “malware”} software, a downloader will not even be able to read some of what they download
so why don’t you come down off your self-righteous high horse and stop pretending to be the absolute authority on everything
these old textbooks bring back memories of college (japanese major) does anyone have tobira gateway to advanced japanese?
>being this retarded
please seed.
Funny to realize that kids these days will grow up in a world where they’ll always know what time it is.
Hope someone uploads the 3rd edition soon.
libgen has the 3rd ed btw