CharlyCardgmes: You are right, looks like the R1 version use a workprint instead of the final version and it looks like shit… I’ll look into replacing that specific episode from the R2 DVD’s. Can’t believe I haven’t noticed this before.
Don’t worry, I only noticed recently cause someone pointed that out in the comments section of this release
Someone there also pointed that this has the proper version of ep.61. Hope that helps.
I also know another version with Spanish Subs that has the proper version of ep.61 but I’m not sure if it’s against the Rules to post it here since it’s from another site that use direct dowload instead of Torrent. Let me know and I’ll post it here if you want.
I couldn’t help but notice that the subtitles in the op and ed are out of sync (at least in every episode I checked). In the original dvd release they were in sync.
x265 saves more space but doesn’t look as good, banding is much more common and for some reason it can’t seem to handle the color red. Here’s a comparison:
h265 does not really begin to show it’s advantage until the resolution is high (> 1080p), high bitrate low resolution encodes show little difference in filesize (5-10%) between h264 and h265 when keeping the same amount of picture information (grain/sharpness). This usually changes for low bitrate encodes, where as the lower bitrate you go the better the h265 version usually is.
VVC (h.266) might be more promising, but it’s to early to tell.
@Rayzaj Did not know a BD release was on it’s way, that is good news. (Hopefully it’s not just a DVD upscale)
Regarding releasing a encode of it, not sure. Maybe if no one else does a decent release and if the raw is available as a torrent.
@yellow-flash Well it is not on its way, it is already out since a couple days ago, by discotek media. I could not find any screenshots, but so far people are saying that the quality is great, and it includes spanish and english dubs. So yeah we will see how it goes.
Comments - 20
Ah finally ep 76 done by you
I have the old torrent with the first 25 episodes were v2 and the rest is v1. Is this a whole new encode or just the dual-audio was added?
Read this:
Noob question: If it’s denoised, shouldn’t the video stream size be smaller? Or is it because it’s different encode entirely? Thanks for your work!
Can you replace Episode 61? It looks awfull.
yellow-flash (uploader)
CharlyCardgmes: You are right, looks like the R1 version use a workprint instead of the final version and it looks like shit… I’ll look into replacing that specific episode from the R2 DVD’s. Can’t believe I haven’t noticed this before.
Don’t worry, I only noticed recently cause someone pointed that out in the comments section of this release
Someone there also pointed that this has the proper version of ep.61. Hope that helps.
I also know another version with Spanish Subs that has the proper version of ep.61 but I’m not sure if it’s against the Rules to post it here since it’s from another site that use direct dowload instead of Torrent. Let me know and I’ll post it here if you want.
yellow-flash (uploader)
R2J version of EP61:
I couldn’t help but notice that the subtitles in the op and ed are out of sync (at least in every episode I checked). In the original dvd release they were in sync.
@yellow-flash amazing, but why not h265 it would save so much space
x265 saves more space but doesn’t look as good, banding is much more common and for some reason it can’t seem to handle the color red. Here’s a comparison:
yellow-flash (uploader)
h265 does not really begin to show it’s advantage until the resolution is high (> 1080p), high bitrate low resolution encodes show little difference in filesize (5-10%) between h264 and h265 when keeping the same amount of picture information (grain/sharpness). This usually changes for low bitrate encodes, where as the lower bitrate you go the better the h265 version usually is.
VVC (h.266) might be more promising, but it’s to early to tell.
Do you happen to have high quality english audio files for them or know of a place where to get them?
Oh wait nvm, this torrent has the eng audio as well and it’s higher quality then the ones I got, ty.
@yellow-flash Thank you, what about New Challenger = ?
You planning on releasing the new blu ray of the first season?
yellow-flash (uploader)
@Rayzaj Did not know a BD release was on it’s way, that is good news. (Hopefully it’s not just a DVD upscale)
Regarding releasing a encode of it, not sure. Maybe if no one else does a decent release and if the raw is available as a torrent.
@yellow-flash Well it is not on its way, it is already out since a couple days ago, by discotek media. I could not find any screenshots, but so far people are saying that the quality is great, and it includes spanish and english dubs. So yeah we will see how it goes.
Is there a reason this release is missing the previews?