Here's episode 3. Sorry for the delay.
TL note: I translated "Kaitou" as "master thief" since there's no direct translation and I didn't want to leave the Japanese word in. I should have made it "phantom thief". I'll correct that for the batch.
Hey, I saw your "Nurse Angel Remux" upload on Nyaa, which made me notice your awesome old animes collections .You also try to focus on a untouched rips and that's a very great thing to do .
Well .. I'm looking for another old anime called Kaiketsu Zorro . I want the untouched DVDs for it .There are 2 releases , the first one is from Japan( some people told me there're only VHS tapes not DVDs, but I'm not sure), while the other one is remastered from German and I prefer the older Japanese one ( if it was a DVD source not VHS) over the German release . I tried to buy the German DVDs, but to no avail .
I really hope you can get them and share them with us . Untouched Web-DLs can suit me fine as well . Speaking of Web-DLs , I heard Germany streaming services had a good remaster for it ( I think it's the same remaster used in their German DVDs) and it would be appreciated if someone grabbed an untouched WEB-DL rip of that . After that it would be possible to remove the German audios and replace it with the Japanese audios ( I got them from encoded sources on the internet) I have after syncing them to the footage / video .
It's a great anime, I've used to watch it since I was a kid ,I watched it in Arabic, the dub was great and semi- accurate, but now I want to watch it in its original Japanese audio and I don't mind having the English one as a bonus . The English speaking community do not have a full accurate English subtitles for this anime As far as I know and the English dub acting is not that good. I think that's why most of people do not know about it .
Using Arabic Dub, some Arabic subtitles that were done by fansubber who understands some Japanese, Korean subtitles and the English Dubbed version , I can translate the show into English ( Japanese audio with English subs ) if I get my hands on a proper version that I can be completely satisfied with .
Thanks for your efforts and time !
@junkyboy, I don't have the DVD iso for that, but I do have some nice DVD rips.
@dragonballlover, I'll pass on those. Especially since Dirty Pair now has a Bluray.
@DmonHiro Well , I take it you don't feel like watching Fushigi Yuugi and that's fine with /by me .
As for Dirty Pair, its Bluray release wasn't really remastered . it's a mere upscale with de-graining , filtering and such =_= !
A decent twin spica release would be awesome since its out of print and there are no decent non avi releases (that Ive seen). Is the rip you have the EruPii-Raws release? If so, isnt its aspect ration weird? As if it was trimmed to be letterbox...
Oh, that explains, lol. With all the BDs/DVDs you upload here, I was imagining your room looking like this:
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DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)