After that, my torrents with no seeds will be “Seeded by Request” You can contact me on discord for that if necessary. That also means It’s high unlikely that I will be releasing, or fixing any more torrents for the time being. I’ve been seeding all my torrents pretty consistently over these past 3 years, so I think I’ve done pretty well compared to the average releaser. If anything ever changes this announcement will be updated.
Last modified September 18, 2023
Grab the new release here:
Broken Episodes:
S1: 14, 18, more possibly
S2: Basically everything
Movie: probably broken too at this rate
My largest release with my longest title with the most episodes
The source for this requires you to download all the audio formats, which isn’t an efficient use of bandwidth. (and I only planned to keep the OPUS tracks)
So, I decided to upload my own with OPUS audio tracks video is untouched and not encoded by me. The ones included at 128kbps are fine; I believe that’s what most consider transparent. But I’ve been using 256kbps ever since my guilty crown release (context), so for consistency I transcoded my own audio tracks from the lossless versions.
The source has the tracks as JPN #1 and ENG #2. While personally I believe the audio from the country of origin should be #1 and any dubs after, the standard for 99.9% of dual audio releases is ENG #1 and JPN #2, so I swapped them to match this standard. I think I forgot to on future diary lmao
Source (40GiB)
Mediainfo of the movie
Mediainfo of the smallest file
XMedia Recode settings & Screenshots
I’m not taking requests; I’m shrinking these for my own collection, but I’ve decided to upload them.
Comments - 12
Are You Going To Do High School DxD And Clannad As Well?
Simplistic (uploader)
I’m sure someone else has already done Clannad, and I already have a DxD that I’m happy with.
Did your OPUS files end up being louder than the FLAC? For some reason when I do what you’ve done, the OPUS files end up being considerably louder, and I’m not sure why.
Simplistic (uploader)
They seem the same to me quiet as hell
Can you please do violet evergarden, ova , and movies
Simplistic (uploader)
Sorry, I don’t have an interest in that show you might be able to get Mysteria to do it for you though.
there are no good 1080p x265 torrent for this show
thanks for your reply
Thanks. I hope you continue to use 256kbps in your future releases.
Simplistic (uploader)
uh yeah? lmao
My only gripe (and i mean this is free so who gives a shit!) is the audio for me on the first episode of season 2 (the only one i have watched thusly) is de-synced by about 1.6 seconds. I just put a ‘audio delay’ in VLC and that fixed it!
10/10 torrent otherwise, is also quite small and has duel audio!
file size is also quite small; comparative to others!
Simplistic (uploader)
Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll upload a v2 for that episode later. Be sure to let me know if you find any other episodes out of sync.
Turns out 2-14 17-19 are out of sync ffs (dub). According to the media info the original creator knew this, but I didn’t notice it. I’ll fix these later.