## _**I don't take requests of any kind.**_
#### I only make what I want with what's already out there.
### **If you request anyway, it's guaranteed to never happen.**
#### [**Discography**](https://nyaa.iss.one/?f=0&c=2_1&q=イコールラブ+discography)
[![IMAGE ALT Thttps://nyaa.iss.one/view/1238914/edit#description-previewEXT](http://img.youtube.com/vi/iEYwHScdJFQ/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEYwHScdJFQ "=LOVE(イコールラブ) / CAMEO【MV full】")![=LOVE](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/equal-love/images/6/62/3bdb8373e1759d24c5e2914fb1fed5e6.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/540?cb=20200401165242)
From JPS
Edit: No. **Read from the top**.
Ask [**this guy**](https://nyaa.iss.one/?f=0&c=2_1&q=nemuri+reona).
> Please upload full PV from “ANIMA” (reoNa), that unfortunately will NOT premiere in M-ON and SSTV. Pelase upload…
@Sonic2020, let me respond to this instead of uploader which will remain anonymous (he saw the comment)
1) Full PV didn't even release as for July 15th. Single with DVD which contains full PV will be released only on July 22nd;
2) At the moment I know no-one who have plans for ordering and uploading it.
3) Please*
Comments - 3