Update 2 (5/20/2021)
GT volume 4 PDF:
GT volume 4 EPUB:
Update 1 (11/21/2020)
GT volume 3 PDF:
GT volume 3 EPUB:
Original Text:
This torrent contains PDFs and EPUBs for the entirety of the A Certain Magical Index light novels (1-22, SS1&SS2), the entirety of its sequel series, A Certain Magical Index: New Testament (1-22 Reverse), volumes 1 and 2 of New Testament’s sequel series, Genesis Testament, and all translated side stories and parody stories as of July 2020.
This torrent is an update of https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1164679
Please see the included “Reading Order and Other Info” txt file for further information.
A changelog detailing the changes from previous batches can be found here:
Comments - 5
Is this yen press, fan translation or the hybrid?
Why does no one have the index manga? there’s like 21 official english volumes.
thank you so much.
@Dopparn, appears to be a hybrid per the pastebin release notes.
I joined in on the fun at OT12 - after more-or-less getting familiar with the preceding arches through the anime/manga/small facts episode “helpers”/some epilogues and must-reads of OT1-11. All this in preparation for Railgun T anime… I know, right?! lol
At the middle of OT15 now. But… Some rant, though…
This pack should be and probs is the best collection for the OT novels, most of the chapters in the volumes either being edited Yen Press official TLs and (the majority) being Js06 TLs - a god-tier (…saint-tier?) fan-translator who churns out translations for new volumes of index and basically most anything To aru related in an incredibly fast fashion, and with quality held in great regard by basically everyone.
AFAIK, everyone says fanTL>official TL. And that indeed may be the case. But damn, sometimes it makes me mad.
Clearly this Js06 is something else, and most of the time it’s (probably) spot-on an reads great, but that just makes it even more frustrating when the very few times…it doesn’t. I don’t care about once-in-a-dozen-pages minuscule grammatical errors; but rather when e.g. there is an actual punchline regarding a high-tech helicopter costing 25 billion yen - when a page back it was 24… The official TL remained faithful to its previous page. It was 250 billion on both occasions in there btw… Go figure. Actually, OT15 seems to flow a little better in the YP version. And Battle Royale arc is one of the most well-liked, too - and for good reason.
Another time I cringed for example -another volume-, was when someone handcuffed behind raised their hand to hide their eyes from the sun (…que??), almost immediately before proceeding to get nearly drowned and not being able to really struggle as their hands were handcuffed behind…
So TL;DR, the fanTLs that I’ve seen thus far are Level 5 and I don’t know why some esper with QC-powers hasn’t come and made the LV6-shift a reality - without too much bloodshed.
Ahh, felt good to let it out. Now back to OT15.