Another rip, this time I found a way to eliminate most(if not all) tape noise without hurting the song. As the other rip the first two tracks are from the CD and the karaokes from the Cassette. This one is pretty rare and I don’t think I will find another one of these selling soon. If you guys have other rips as well,please, share it. Cassettes will die within the next 10/20 years and we won’t be getting a good quality of it at that time.
Edit : Don't know why but the torrent wasn't working (low speed), I think it's good now
Thank you so much for rip and upload this. I love Ranma's song very much. I used to owned lots of cassettes of Ranma but those were trashed.... What a waste! Thank you!! I really appreciated it very much.
Comments - 3
Cris140 (uploader)