This is the official English translation by Tappytoon.
Reminder that this is a (Manhwa) Webtoon. It’s a must-read with a long-strip supporting app.
I recommend using SumatraPDF for PC, and ComicScreen or Tachiyomi for your phone.
Previous chapters: 000-110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118
Comments - 5
Thanks man!
Torrents still aren’t working for me on this series. Haven’t been able to get 118 or 119. No other torrents have been like this. Whenever it is a problem, LuCaZ usually has DDL links, but for whatever reason, there are none for this series. Anyone got this problem or know how to fix it?
@Persona5RoyalOnSwitch isn’t working for me either Only 111-115 workd. Stopped working after that.
work just fine for me. got both 118 & 119 just now in less than a minute.
@3eraphie7 Black magic.