Chou Denji Robo Combattler V (1976)(480p BD)[scs] :: Nyaa ISS

Chou Denji Robo Combattler V (1976)(480p BD)[scs]

2020-09-23 01:52
File size:
20.5 GiB
Info hash:

2020 is a real bad year so hopefully this helps a little, as promised here is another entry of Nagahama’s Romance Robo Series from the mid 1970s by Sunrise, Chōdenji Robo Combattler V (its “vee” not five) ripped from my personal bluray collection.

The video quality is a little crap because this is an SDBD (hence 480p) release and not in HD it is essentially DVD quality on a bluray disk, it’s probably still the highest quality source we have available but please keep that in mind, I have also opted to do hardsubs but in the future might make a v2 batch with SRT subs (this takes a lot more work than a hardsub rip).

As for the story, some people say this one isn’t as good as Voltes V but the first half of the first episode is pretty funny so you should at least watch that. Eitherway.
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Please support Discotek if you can by buying their releases so they can keep subbing these old shows. (if you can’t no judgement, that’s why i’m here)

ENJOY <3 uwu

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File list

  • Chou Denji Robo Combattler V (1976)(480p BD)[scs]
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 01 (480p BD)[scs][F2F387E4].mkv (385.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 02 (480p BD)[scs][84AF5145].mkv (384.6 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 03 (480p BD)[scs][3D9CBE68].mkv (374.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 04 (480p BD)[scs][4407CB90].mkv (369.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 05 (480p BD)[scs][6424EBFD].mkv (360.4 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 06 (480p BD)[scs][F1FD70A2].mkv (369.0 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 07 (480p BD)[scs][BE295FFB].mkv (369.6 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 08 (480p BD)[scs][7E19F7C6].mkv (391.4 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 09 (480p BD)[scs][87B381CE].mkv (376.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 10 (480p BD)[scs][1616BA37].mkv (354.3 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 11 (480p BD)[scs][CE6E3C71].mkv (368.4 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 12 (480p BD)[scs][CED85853].mkv (346.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 13 (480p BD)[scs][0065D391].mkv (390.3 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 14 (480p BD)[scs][D506F623].mkv (330.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 15 (480p BD)[scs][0EFF18EC].mkv (345.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 16 (480p BD)[scs][8CAEC83D].mkv (426.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 17 (480p BD)[scs][E423EB6B].mkv (412.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 18 (480p BD)[scs][AD5AEFB5].mkv (427.4 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 19 (480p BD)[scs][200ABEEC].mkv (399.6 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 20 (480p BD)[scs][404B24BF].mkv (398.5 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 21 (480p BD)[scs][3428375E].mkv (388.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 22 (480p BD)[scs][E7B3680C].mkv (428.3 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 23 (480p BD)[scs][0CCA1823].mkv (405.7 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 24 (480p BD)[scs][B6064439].mkv (414.0 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 25 (480p BD)[scs][2021857B].mkv (409.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 26 (480p BD)[scs][D9030941].mkv (370.7 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 27 (480p BD)[scs][F2592187].mkv (391.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 28 (480p BD)[scs][0922E733].mkv (398.0 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 29 (480p BD)[scs][C7069793].mkv (383.7 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 30 (480p BD)[scs][06C8A25F].mkv (374.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 31 (480p BD)[scs][1B69E92E].mkv (422.7 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 32 (480p BD)[scs][04D60CB7].mkv (417.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 33 (480p BD)[scs][BA33BAFA].mkv (378.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 34 (480p BD)[scs][E4EE5209].mkv (388.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 35 (480p BD)[scs][39172B76].mkv (386.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 36 (480p BD)[scs][B037CFE8].mkv (390.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 37 (480p BD)[scs][328E174E].mkv (351.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 38 (480p BD)[scs][C001527D].mkv (391.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 39 (480p BD)[scs][F749B693].mkv (403.0 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 40 (480p BD)[scs][81A892DA].mkv (394.3 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 41 (480p BD)[scs][09D0DA54].mkv (404.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 42 (480p BD)[scs][3CC6B40D].mkv (387.5 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 43 (480p BD)[scs][3DE623D5].mkv (446.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 44 (480p BD)[scs][EDF5A053].mkv (392.2 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 45 (480p BD)[scs][802B3E32].mkv (400.9 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 46 (480p BD)[scs][E435F1A4].mkv (392.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 47 (480p BD)[scs][7C872C87].mkv (380.4 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 48 (480p BD)[scs][67D25247].mkv (375.6 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 49 (480p BD)[scs][B97108A7].mkv (396.5 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 50 (480p BD)[scs][4FA17CFF].mkv (416.3 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 51 (480p BD)[scs][28C5F288].mkv (376.8 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 52 (480p BD)[scs][F28A8EFF].mkv (409.6 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 53 (480p BD)[scs][444E7DCE].mkv (399.1 MiB)
    • Chodenji Robo Combattler V - 54 (480p BD)[scs][7BF5B6F4].mkv (378.5 MiB)

kimi-_- (uploader)


My dream is a universe where all the ARR releases can be replaced with proper subs.

anyway the obligatory, I only have like 5mbps upload (that’s like 500-600KBps max) please bare with me, everything will get faster once we get more seeds on it.

“hardsubs” closes window

kimi-_- (uploader)


I have to make the softsubs first, this torrent is for people who want to watch the show right now w/ significantly improved subs.

If you want softsubs wait for the v2. Please be patient, I do have a day job. :P

Being a BD the subs where probably .pgs(?) which means they where a separate track and are easy to extract. Could have just done that and left it to some one else to use OCR to make styled soft subs.

kimi-_- (uploader)


tbh I assume nobody is interested in doing any of that (other than me, which is why I volunteered to do it).

if anyone is volunteering though I can supply you with the pgs files, that frees me up to rip more disks and not have to focus on the subs.

A vast majority of people would take pgs subs as default soft subs over a hard sub.

If you got the pgs subs then you’ll need to have another torrent which isn’t hard subbed otherwise it would pointless since you can’t use the subs then.

kimi-_- (uploader)


The pgs subs and the hardsubs look exactly the same (it’s literally just the pgs subs but you can’t turn them off lol), you’re just tripping.

There’s absolutely no benefit to having the pgs track unless you intend to OCR them.

Pgs soft subs are leaps and bounds better than being hardsubbed.

The pgs subs and the hardsubs look exactly the same (it’s literally just the pgs subs but you can’t turn them off lol), you’re just tripping.

If you don’t have a raw or non-hardsubbed version, releasing the subs separately won’t work since your only release is hard subbed. Is what I am saying.

kimi-_- (uploader)


As I explained I am doing a v2 (I have raws), don’t see what the confusion here is. Nobody else is going to rip this show if I don’t so you should cut me some slack.

I put this up for anyone who just wants to watch the show.

I just asked why you didn’t do soft subs originally since it would have been no extra work. If some one really wanted styled subs, they would have done it themselves. It’s easy.

kimi-_- (uploader)


Just saw no point since I already decided I was going to OCR them myself and the hardsubs and pgs subs look exactly the same (there’s a little artifacting but its minor).

I can understand if you don’t want to see the subs at all it’s a problem but there’s already a raw version on the site.

Softsubbing it definitely would’ve been easier if you knew what you were doing. You have to go out of your way to hardsub.

kimi-_- (uploader)


If you say so, it’s simply the press of a switch 1 or 0. Honestly all I care about is having a better set of subs which is why I did this release since I noticed nobody else was ever going to rip these old shows and I wanted to share blurays I have that I noticed weren’t being ripped/uploaded.

If anyone wants the PGS though I have it, honestly I would have done PGS subs if I knew people needed it this badly lmao. I apologize, I was operating on my own tastes/interests though and all I care about is the improved subs. Can’t go back and redo the torrent now though.

I will take your criticism to heart though, In the future I will just leave the PGS track alone as is. I plan to do a proper redo release of this and Voltes anyway with softsubs in the future (once I have Voltes on BD).

Once again, someone shares truly something great and people whine about it being hardsubbed… Seriously though, it has subs, good subs, it should be a given we should be thankful for that, not whine for non-existent reason. If you want or need softsubs so bad, go and buy the set yourself, rip it, share and profit for I don’t care. Why on earth it should be softsubbed even, just to you can rip the subs and use other RAWs for making (possibly) worse version. People are too needy nowadays, hardsubs were standard once, and people could live with them. I know it’s 2020 and bla bla softsubs is the thing nowadays and so on… but if someone wants to use them, let them be, shut up, and enjoy the great anime - for free. Thank you kimi-_- for making this release!

I prefer .ass / .srt based softsubs because .pgs is very tiring for extract and modify subtitle. If .ass or .srt based version relases, I wanted translate this series to Turkish. Best regards.

kimi-_- (uploader)


Basically once I have Voltes V on bluray I am going to do a proper rerelease of this and Voltes with proper SRT/ASS softsubs.

Hardsubs in 2020? Hahahahah. I really don’t understand why people don’t release only the raws, the subs and work takes time, they can upload them zipped later.

Thanks for uploading better sources for these older shows. I didn’t like this show much when I watched it but it’s nice to see old and obscure anime receiving releases that aren’t vorderline unwatchable.

Thanks for you work.
Please just ignore those who just keep complaining.

kimi-_- (uploader)


TBH I can’t really argue with them they have a point, I used the hardsubs kind of as an afterthought and you can probably guess I have been watching anime a long time so i’m personally not particularly bothered by having hardsubs in a case like this with no SRT or ASS available, I do understand that people might want the PGS to make their own script (or maybe you’re just very sensitive about the artifacting that comes with hardsubs, or possibly you just want the raws, understandable).

I was under the impression nobody was interested in making their own script though as it is a lot of work, so I was just going to do it myself so it would get done and people could edit that script (as they did with the Dororo scripts I made).

Overall though, if you just want to watch the show with good subs (they’re a lot better lol) and imo a decent source (it’s not amazing but the actual BD does not have a great source as is) and you don’t have any particular specialized needs this release should suit you, I promise I will upload a softsubbed version of this down the line that you can use for raws and in the future I will not hardsub anything unnecessarily.

I really appreciate the thanks though, <3 I think if you just want to watch the show this release will suite you fine.

can you upload the 1080p ver?

Me plus a friend who passed away some time ago we ran after the remaking files in softsub of this anime to be able to make it available for others to download, but now I see people fighting unnecessarily. How sad must he be to see such an unnecessary line!
You just need to improve this caption if you want. It was the only one we found available on softsub! You don’t have to do that much!

may he rest in peace.

kimi-_- (uploader)


Unfortunately its not in 1080p, its a bluray but at 480p (BDSD), thats how the actual retail disk is.

Hi there! sorry to ask , but can you upload the full bluray disc?

Hey I hope you still have plans to do more of these releases. It’s hard to find any decent releases of these more obscure anime, so you helped me find just what I needed. Thanks a lot.

Can you upload 1080p raw ver?

Looking forward to the release of the softsubbed version so I can watch it both in subs and in raw. Please release the sofsub when you have the chance, thanks! I’ll keep my raw’s for now …

Subtitle PGS please.