Ghost Stories [Gakkou no Kaidan] (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales] :: Nyaa ISS

Ghost Stories [Gakkou no Kaidan] (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales]

2020-10-22 04:04
File size:
6.0 GiB
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alt text

Satsuki Miyanoshita and her younger brother Keichiro moved from Tokyo to their mother’s hometown who died after a long illness. Not long after they moved in, they discovered that the old abandoned school building near their new school is haunted by demons and evil spirits. At first, they don’t seem want to get involved with it, not until their family cat, Kaya, is taken by a demon. In order to save the town, Satsuki and her younger brother Keichiro along with their new friends, Momoko, Reo and Hajime forms a team to fight those demons… source anidb

Encoded from the R1 DVD. Dual Audio: Japanese (Stereo AC3), English (Stereo AC3). Vob subs only. The English dub took quite a few liberties with this one so it includes both a translation sub and a closed captioning sub. Episode 20 aired in Japan as a special many months after the series had ended but the US release put it as episode 19 since it is set before the series ending. With luck, I’ll have one more batch of horror anime before Halloween. Including a few h-anime so check Sukebei for those.


I would appreciate any help seeding.

File list

  • Ghost Stories (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales]
    • Ghost Stories (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].md5 (3.0 KiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 01 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (305.9 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 02 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (281.7 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 03 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (303.3 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 04 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (273.8 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 05 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (338.9 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 06 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (264.3 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 07 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (271.9 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 08 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (327.7 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 09 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (310.7 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 10 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (296.1 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 11 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (247.8 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 12 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (269.0 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 13 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (305.8 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 14 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (318.8 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 15 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (292.5 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 16 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (295.4 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 17 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (386.7 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 18 (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (350.6 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 19 END (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (312.6 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - 20 SP (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (295.6 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - NCED (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (32.5 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - NCOP (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (30.5 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - Vol 2 PV (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (10.6 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - Vol 3 PV (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (9.8 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - Vol 4 PV (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (12.5 MiB)
    • Ghost Stories - Vol 5 PV (DVDRip 720x480p x265 HEVC AC3x2 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv (10.6 MiB)

brilliant anime but pathetically dubbed… if you wanna watch this anime then subbed is the way to go…

No the dub is better. I usually always go for sub but this has an AMAZING dub. You’d be a fool if you don’t watch the dub.

@shivansh adv destroyed the dubbing with racist jokes and stupid references. they also voiced Keiichirou as a retard,
hell they even dubbed the male teacher to have a feminine voice… this dub sucks, stick with sub’s.

to anybody heres a good example of what I mean

@sxales sorry I forgot to say… Thanks for the share



adv destroyed the dubbing with racist jokes and stupid references. they also voiced Keiichirou as a retard,
hell they even dubbed the male teacher to have a feminine voice…

Yes. This was, as they say, the point.

Dude there’s nothing racist about the dub. It’s awesome!

ADV did it intentionally, and it became a masterpiece. The whole point was to ridicule, also the company who gave them just 3 rules which didnt include not being trolls about the dub, so they went for it.

Thanks, first time I see an anime with the english translation, is incredible how they transform a dull and terrible anime (even the music is recicled from inuyasha), to a dark comedy masterpiece.

The sub is a borefest, don’t listen to “nokou” guys lmao.

The dub is a fun watch to just turn off your moral compass and just laugh along, they make fun of everyone here. So don’t take it hard, that’s what a dick is for.

Ignore the nutjob weeb saying to watch the sub.

Looks worse than kuchikirukia’s release

@Nokou shut up tranny

wow thanks alot. this is awesome. thanks again

god i hate this website

The moron saying the subbed is better is laughable. The creator of the anime loved the dubbed version actually! google it! what is with these incels who bash Dub watchers? Like they are so holy cause they only watch subbed. I watch both and love both. No one likes people who act like that.

Suck my fat cock this anime sucks without the dub. Either get on my cock or shut the fuck up

@Nokou Bro, this is anime. Edgy humor is good humor. Being woke is not de way.

I’m usually not a fan of dubs at all, but this wasn’t much of a hit in Japan either which is why they told ADV they could change everything except for names, exorcisms or the music. And thus ADV pushed everything into overdrive memetier and made something actually good.
This is one of those very rare instances where I’d recommend anyone to go with the dub

This dub is legendary.
Also if you’re offended by the word retard then you’re a retard

Why are people so defensive over the dub? Newsflash the Dub isn’t the best thing in the world, it relies heavily on cringe jokes and is outdated. I much preferred rewatching it subbed. The horror was actually there. Yes this is coming from a regular Dub viewer,

@Nokou You are a piece of work and need help ASAP.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this, Great dub and subs.

watch it however you want who gives a shit

@Talhah stfu libturd redneck faggot.

Aside from current agenda:
— This dub is a hidden gem!
— Not distilled, sterile voice acting — like any other english (and almost any non-japanese) dubs.
— Voice actors much more involved in actual voice acting (in contrary to theatric emotion squeezing and voice mimicking).

I don’t know what everyone’s problem is, the dub is brilliant.

@Talhah outdated humor
Kys n*****

The story behind the dub:

Long story short, the show bombed badly in Japan and the original studio gave carte blanche to the localization team in hopes the international release sales would help them to at least break even.

I wonder if Ghost Stories is responsible for inspiring the boom of the abridged series in the late 2000s. I mean, the first volume of the ADV dub came out in October, 2005, with matches nicely with the release of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series in July 17, 2006, which is arguably the codifier of the abridged series genre.

these idiots spewing empty rightwinger insults at the person that dared to suggest that this wasn’t a bad show and that people should watch it subbed really exposes these morons that cling to the dub and the untrue myths surrounding it for what they are.

@kandi_gloss You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.

degenerate, retarded, subhuman dub.