(shiteater) Dragon Ball Z 211.5 SP4 We'll Show You Everything Forget the Year's Cares with Dragon Ball Z [E46733DB] aka "Looking Back at it All: The Dragon Ball Z Year-End Show" :: Nyaa ISS

(shiteater) Dragon Ball Z 211.5 SP4 We'll Show You Everything Forget the Year's Cares with Dragon Ball Z [E46733DB] aka "Looking Back at it All: The Dragon Ball Z Year-End Show"

2020-11-23 22:09
File size:
1.0 GiB
Info hash:


shiteatersubs presents the Dragon Ball Z Year-End Special in Japanese with English subtitles.

Translated and Subbed by: dubu
Final Checks by: shiteaterbubibinman
Special Thanks to: DBM, V miyachan

A big thanks to dubu for his hard work translating and subbing this special and for allowing us to share it. Huge thanks to DBM for ripping and sharing the raw on nyaa, and also a special thanks to youtuber V miyachan for uploading the “FNS New Year’s Eve ’93 Special” that this was a part of.

Youtube raw @ 01:15:25 - https://youtube.com/watch?v=MnazAOhxpVc

“We’ll Show You Everything: Forget the Year’s Cares with Dragon Ball Z” is a five minute special recap episode that aired December 31, 1993 between episodes 211 and 212 of the Dragon Ball Z TV series. It was shown on Fuji TV during a four-and-a-half hour New Year’s Eve special called “All Accounts Settled ’93! We’ll Show You Everything: The Great FNS Audience Appreciation Festival” [’93総決算! 全部見せますFNS大感謝祭].

“Goku makes a special request to come home from the Other World to see his family for New Year’s Eve and reflect on the year’s most famous scenes from Dragon Ball Z.”

File list

  • (shiteater) Dragon Ball Z 211.5 SP4 We'll Show You Everything Forget the Year's Cares with Dragon Ball Z [E46733DB].mkv (1.0 GiB)

Now this is a good release .Fuck yes !!

Thanks for taking the time to make a quality release.

Sweet. Thanks for this and the Dr. Slump subbed series.

Much appreciated.

Seed more plz. Super slow here. 12kb/sec

Fucking nice. Thanks guys.

Theresa a DLL on his blog.

@ZZZ-DragginBall-ZZZ except for the sub, the x265 version is better, it doesn’t have missing part, audio is remastered and it have cc

WTF??? 1GB for 5 minutes??? ULTRA RETARD!!


Screenshot Comparison: Untouched Vs. “Remastered”

alt text

alt text

Thanks to Shiteater, Dubu, whomever put together the better looking rip, and etc.

Note: Those are in actuality printscreens, just to be specific.

I second that. They’re both to keep :D

colors aren’t accurate on the remaster but it look far better

The remastered is good. Looks just like muh 4k ai upscaled youtube clips! Awesome!

The remastered is good. Looks just like muh 4k ai upscaled youtube clips! Awesome!

So edgy.

Any difference between this torrent’s sub file and the previous one?

Yeah. The subs on the one before this are poorly translated and very poorly formatted. My translation/subs are far better.

@dubudavid : in yours sadly; the raw lack two parts as much in the audio than in the video

shiteaterbubibinman (uploader)


It’s a shame that the original raw has two buggy spots that affect the audio/video for a total of 5 seconds out of the entire 5 min 10 sec video, but the “remastered” version isn’t a real version at all, it’s audio/video cobbled together from disparate sources: 1. the original VHS raw ripped by DBM; 2. the low quality Pekindaq twitter video; and 3. the out of place high quality DVD rips of the episodes that feature during the recap portions. The person who made it did a fine job, but no matter what it’s a fan edit and not the original raw, as it was originally aired.

I do want to add that I had no idea the “remastered” version had an English sub with it. dubu and I had been working on our subs for this special since early last week and if I had known someone had beat us to subbing it in English, I wouldn’t have continued with releasing our version at all.

It’s weird that the remastered version was released here on nyaa and then deleted; the same goes with DBM’s raw, I have no idea why they were uploaded and then removed soon after. It makes no sense to me. Maybe someone can shed some light on these questions, I dont know.

@shiteaterbubibinman If anything maybe you can do a V2 or something and add the missing 5 seconds of audio at least and retime the subs and then everytying should be fine for everybody xD



@shiteater i removed my raw since you released your version that is exactly the same files with english softsub and i’d rather like a “fixed raw” and the bad one to disappear

shiteaterbubibinman (uploader)


Oh okay, I see. Thanks for replying, I appreciate it.

@dbfan120 I took the audio from the pekindaq upload and translated that to the broken audio part. So the translation is still correct.

yes i have seen and your subs are far better than the “remastered” video but i don’t see how to fix this “special” without a vhs recordings with same colors and quality
the remaster have at least fixed audio and seems to have been cleaned a little

thank you

I have been looking at this work for a long time with Hashire Melos 走れメロス!
1981 Special Japanese version and I did not find it!!.Do you know any way I
can get it? I will really appreciate it your help!!
As for Hashire Melos 1981 (Japanese version)I already found a a clip for it in
YouTube before 7 years or more…and that clip was with Japanese audio
which its the Pure Japanese version!!?So I believe there is a Japanese
version around internet web but I think we need to look up more for it…I can
give you this clip to check it and be sure of this matter

Hashire Melos 1981 version japanese - 走れメロス! 1981 Special 日本語



To communicate via my mail


If you get it please let me know I will be happy to communicate with you

Thank you, shiteaterbubibinman
Best wishes


Subs from the other release were from the YT video. They weren’t very good, but did its job.