STILL no english subtitles for this? At this point I’m just gonna read the manga and watch the RAWs of the anime, i’m disappointed with the fansubs not doing anything with this second season…
PAS should hopefully upload their English sub for ep 2 tomorrow…but yeah idk why there’s not much desire from the fansubbing groups to take on the second season. The subs for the episodes of season 1 came out so quickly, got spoiled by that.
Comments - 10
When the Russian dub releases before the English sub
Yea I don’t get it, a few series so far have been really late with the English subs.
As far as I know, there is only one group working on it that uploads to Nyaa.
The brazilian-portuguese sub is up since wednesday, I’m honestly surprised I couldn’t find the english subs anywhere
STILL no english subtitles for this? At this point I’m just gonna read the manga and watch the RAWs of the anime, i’m disappointed with the fansubs not doing anything with this second season…
PAS should hopefully upload their English sub for ep 2 tomorrow…but yeah idk why there’s not much desire from the fansubbing groups to take on the second season. The subs for the episodes of season 1 came out so quickly, got spoiled by that.
I agree it’s a little unusual. I also like we use this Russian dub as a discussion forum for our inpatients
Here are some eng subs created using google translate and manga reference
There are probably fansubs but not here on Nyaa.
Tacuco (uploader)
@Nazthar We are ЯUSSIANS so we just HACKED the moonspeak. I thought it’s obviuos.