Renkin San-Kyuu Magical Pokaan
Video and sub source: Tsundere
The command used for encoding is:
av1an -i filename -enc aom -cm vs_ffms2 --split_method aom_keyframes --reuse_first_pass -v "–bit-depth=10 --cpu-used=4 --end-usage=q --cq-level=20 --frame-parallel=0 --row-mt=0 --enable-cdef=0 --kf-max-dist=256 " -a “-c:a libopus -b:a 96k”
The source was 7.3GiB.
If you drop frames in scenes were there are lots of movements and you use mpv you can try this It should help if you can decode on average at more than 1x speed but drop below that on heavy scene, but if you are always below 1x it won’t help much.
A big thanks to Tsundere for the fansub and video raws!
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