[2020.03.25] MEGUMI HAYASHIBARA MEGUMIXXX [FLAC] [林原めぐみ - スレイヤーズ MEGUMIXXX]「スレイヤーズ」3CD :: Nyaa ISS

[2020.03.25] MEGUMI HAYASHIBARA MEGUMIXXX [FLAC] [林原めぐみ - スレイヤーズ MEGUMIXXX]「スレイヤーズ」3CD

2021-01-20 08:45
File size:
1.1 GiB
Info hash:

alt text

Releases: 2020-03-25
Catalog: KICA-2573~5
Format: FLAC

Disc 1:

  1. two thumbs up! (Slayers 30th Anniversary Image Song)
  2. Get along ~SelfTag Version~ (TV Anime Slayers OP Theme Rearranged ver.)
  3. Give a reason (TV Anime Slayers NEXT OP Theme)
  4. Breeze (TV Anime Slayers TRY OP Theme)
  5. don’t be discouraged (TV Anime Slayers TRY ED Theme)
  6. Meet again (TV Anime Slayers 10th Anniversary Image Song)
  7. Plenty of grit (TV Anime Slayers REVOLUTION OP Theme)
  8. Revolution (TV Anime Slayers REVOLUTION ED Theme)
  9. Front breaking (TV Anime Slayers EVOLUTION-R OP Theme)
  10. Sunatokei (TV Anime Slayers EVOLUTION-R ED Theme)
  11. JUST BEGUN (TV Anime Slayers EVOLUTION-R Final ED Theme)

Disc 2:

  1. MIDNIGHT BLUE (Movie Slayers Theme Song)
  2. Shining Girl (Movie Slayers Image Song)
  3. Just be conscious (Movie Slayers RETURN Theme Song)
  4. RUN ALL THE WAY! (Movie Slayers RETURN Image Song)
  5. Reflection (Movie Slayers Great Theme Song)
  6. GLORIA ~I Want to Reach You~ (Movie Slayers Great Image Song)
  7. raging waves (Movie Slayers Gorgeous Theme Song)
  8. feel well (Movie Slayers Premium Theme Song)
  9. Rumba Rumba (Movie Slayers Premium Image Song)
  10. Kagirinai Yokubō no Naka ni (OVA Slayers Special Theme Song)
  11. Touch Yourself (GAME Slayers Royal Theme Song)
  12. I&Myself (GAME Slayers Royal 2 Theme Song)

Disc 3:

  1. Get along <ALBUM VERSION> (TV Anime Slayers OP Theme)
  2. KUJIKENAIKARA! (TV Anime Slayers ED Theme)
  3. Nemurenai Yoru wa… (『Slayers Etcetera (1) Excellent! Lina=Inverse Kyō mo iku)
  4. Going History (Radio DramaSlayers EX. OP Theme)
    5.Shakunetsu no Koi (Radio Drama Slayers EX. ED Theme)
  5. Give a reason ~Ballade version~ (TV Anime Slayers NEXT OP Theme Ballade version)
  6. Otome no Inori (Slayers NEXT SOUND BIBLE II)
  7. EXIT→RUNNING (Character Song Album Slayers TRY TREASURY☆VOX)
  8. Kono Sekai no Dokokade -MEGUMIX VERSION- (Slayers TRY TREASURY☆BGM 2』「Kono Sekai Dokokade」COVER)
  9. SLAYERS 4 the future (Song Best Album『the BEST of SLAYERS [from TV&RADIO]』)



File list

  • Megumi Hayashibara - SLAYERS MEGUMIXXX
    • Megumi Hayashibara - SLAYERS MEGUMIXXX
      • 1.01. two thumbs up!.flac (27.7 MiB)
      • 1.02. Get along ~SelfTag Version~.flac (33.0 MiB)
      • 1.03. Give a reason.flac (34.5 MiB)
      • 1.04. Breeze.flac (34.0 MiB)
      • 1.05. don't be discouraged.flac (31.4 MiB)
      • 1.06. Meet again.flac (38.5 MiB)
      • 1.07. Plenty of grit.flac (38.2 MiB)
      • 1.08. Revolution.flac (34.4 MiB)
      • 1.09. Front breaking.flac (29.0 MiB)
      • 1.10. 砂時計.flac (31.9 MiB)
      • 1.11. JUST BEGUN.flac (37.7 MiB)
      • 1200x1200.png (2.8 MiB)
      • 2.01. MIDNIGHT BLUE.flac (43.3 MiB)
      • 2.02. Shining Girl.flac (31.6 MiB)
      • 2.03. Just be conscious.flac (35.1 MiB)
      • 2.04. RUN ALL THE WAY!.flac (37.9 MiB)
      • 2.05. Reflection.flac (40.8 MiB)
      • 2.06. GLORIA ~君に届けたい~.flac (34.5 MiB)
      • 2.07. raging waves.flac (37.5 MiB)
      • 2.08. feel well.flac (34.9 MiB)
      • 2.09. ルンバ・ルンバ.flac (30.8 MiB)
      • 2.10. 限りない欲望の中に.flac (36.2 MiB)
      • 2.11. Touch Yourself.flac (41.1 MiB)
      • 2.12. I&Myself.flac (35.5 MiB)
      • 3.01. Get along.flac (32.6 MiB)
      • 3.02. KUJIKENAIKARA!.flac (35.1 MiB)
      • 3.03. 眠れない夜は….flac (39.0 MiB)
      • 3.04. Going History.flac (33.9 MiB)
      • 3.05. 灼熱の恋.flac (30.5 MiB)
      • 3.06. Give a reason ~Ballade version~.flac (32.1 MiB)
      • 3.07. 乙女の祈り.flac (18.1 MiB)
      • 3.08. EXIT→RUNNING.flac (34.5 MiB)
      • 3.09. この世界のどこかで -MEGUMIX VERSION-.flac (25.2 MiB)
      • 3.10. SLAYERS 4 the future.flac (32.9 MiB)

Appreciate you doing this!!!