[Rakushun] Beastars S2 - 04 [1080P] :: Nyaa ISS

[Rakushun] Beastars S2 - 04 [1080P]

2021-01-28 02:23
No information.
File size:
693.8 MiB
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Yep, I subbed again. Same story as always, that there’s always a possibility I won’t sub again next week. Not that I have much credibility in that regard anymore.

File list

  • [Rakushun] Beastars S2 - 04 [1080P].mkv (693.8 MiB)

Thank you so much, you are amazing. I appreciate your hard work. Love you

Excellent job and a great episode. Thanks for continuing!

@Rakushun I love how you tease me and my emotions like some Tsundere Loli… I keed mang, love that you are willing to Subtitle this show EVEN though you clearly dun wanna do it forever. My hope is that you continue and show you Furry pelt. :D

They’re hard subs, but about translations and such, no complaints so far. Thanks. Watching on the day of release feels nice.

his back must hurt af from that huge carrying lol, thanks love ya

Thank you so much. You are amazing!

Thank you very very much!!!
Your version works best on my laptop and you are the fastest!
Your hard work is very appreciated!
Arigatouoououuou yooooo
Ganbatte neeeeee

I have no idea how you sub this so fast my man, but keep at it!

Thanks for your hard work dude

What a legend. Thank you!

I literally made this account just to thank you, SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS!

Rakushun (uploader)


You’re welcome.

I forgot to say thank you
Thank you baby <3
And yeah, don’t sub next week :P