aki has a 2nd song now huh Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=iuA06PWPB9U&feature=share
Thanks a lot ≤3 Will definitely buy it as soon as I get paid! Btw can I request Nekoze Punch album as well? Thank you so much for your work!
miyamizu (uploader)
@masanovx I gotchu I forgot Nekoze Punch existed
@miyamizu Thanks a lot! No problem, it’s a bit old so it’s understandable that you forgot about it. Sorry for my selfish request and thanks again!
Do you have Aki’s first song? nvm found it. https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1322225
Comments - 4
Thanks a lot ≤3 Will definitely buy it as soon as I get paid!
Btw can I request Nekoze Punch album as well? Thank you so much for your work!
miyamizu (uploader)
@masanovx I gotchu I forgot Nekoze Punch existed
@miyamizu Thanks a lot! No problem, it’s a bit old so it’s understandable that you forgot about it.
Sorry for my selfish request and thanks again!
Do you have Aki’s first song?
nvm found it. https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1322225