Bilibili CV related Video Collection - B站官方延伸区视频选集 :: Nyaa ISS

Bilibili CV related Video Collection - B站官方延伸区视频选集

2021-03-11 14:13
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888.5 GiB
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This is a collection of the videos related to Japanese Voice Actors (CV) post on, including Anime Events (like the one often included in BD as special features), Radios (like Ojikan), Dramas (like the audio sold on DLsite), etc. Most of them has Chinese subtitles made by the original uploader. Due to the sporadic copyright strikes from Japanese Companies and the concerns that some uploaders suddenly deleted all their videos, it’s necessary for someone to collect these translated videos, which took countless hours to make, and share them so that no one will be able to erase them from the Internet. In addition, to preserve the complete viewing experience, all the Danmaku associated with these videos also have been captured. These XML Danmaku can be loaded in video players like BiliLocal or Dandanplay.

The list of the original uploader has been attached below. The detailed file list can been accessed via:!Aj9bpXOSIjH9aV_sCZJY-oLvS68


  1. For some uploaders with wide range of interests, only the videos related to CV were included.
  2. Due to bugs in Bilibili backend, the actual resolution of some videos does not match the resolution indicated in the filename. (e.g., showing 1080P in the UI, actual 720P)
  3. Feel free to re-post to anywhere you want. U2 or other PT site will be great.
  4. This collection is far from “complete”. I hope more people can join this project so that if one day Bilibili applies acoustic fingerprint to takedown all the videos, we can still have the resources to build a new site.


本资源为B站官方延伸区以制作熟肉视频为主的UP主们的视频合集,包含声优见面会,声优广播,Drama等内容。大多数已由原UP主翻译完毕。 由于版权炮及UP主删稿跑路时有发生,遂收集了这些耗费无数心力制作而成的视频,以BT的形式共享,免疫一切下架风险。为保证完整体验,弹幕也一并抓取,可用Bililocal或Dandanplay加载播放。



  1. 对于部分涉猎广泛的UP主,只选取了与声优有关的视频。
  2. 由于B站后台bug,文件名中标注的视频分辨率与实际分辨率不一定相同。(如, 播放器显示1080P, 实际为720P)
  3. 可随意转载。若能转到U2或其他PT站再好不过。
  4. 这份收集并不完整。希望有更多的人能在此基础上继续。这样,如果有一天B站开始使用声学指纹批量下架视频,我们仍旧有资源自建一个新的站点。
Uploader Name Space ID (个人空间编号)
日野あかね 6400
香菜来三大碗 9144
土御门元春 12610
鱼香种田春香优 26234
vvstar 35885
小田民子 68525
高上委員会ベンチ入り 70841
内田内田彩 77370
陌路狂途 77838
一亚丝喵一 88614
Kun9 95750
伊兰克斯 112656
八本松神大 117604
算啦我不注册啦 121543
tomatchu 125962
一般会社员白夜 130677
你怎么这么可爱。 144519
千亚酱 165918
樱Hua树下 168639
日向暁 173041
モモノキファイブ 188853
MusashinoYaiba 193488
雲子 210484
shouting-beast 216154
悠夜P 216598
AmenGuard 216970
GuuSama 221739
bili_238996 238996
一大块水晶 239046
N·G 239862
拆房武直 279463
薛定谔的教徒 280782
冰室闹闹 306240
刃叶 311835
kk89897 317711
Fallen_Apart 334668
iftodaywas 335419
用舍 350758
Tming 352831
闇灵 363676
一般咸鱼SidRyu 403860
Sakura_addiction 427553
咩・・・ 432741
生ネギ 462686
ケンケンパリピポ 485997
Hymに夢中 495276
斑嘴环企鹅 506934
雨从天酱 510688
駄洒落 528692
面对三次元捂脸 528984
Saltfish_y2 541350
整天摸鱼的万里 580479
蔚蓝之风 624931
MIYuSE 632997
泷泷想要 654649
水濑kumaねる 683000
兰色雨 686628
无言以对。 692173
半月之上 738131
森島さん 751684
永哼 752202
吉兆呗 761818
AKATSUKI同 787010
柿i 839847
和泉あい 868296
妖斯卡尔 899376
七海_Sayuri 1300285
Huke-Ryu 1522901
高野麻里佳 1617207
GreekMilk 1638304
Goozie 1684061
没事小蛋 1720451
红神龙 1727933
竜胆_尊 1743083
SuuSyun 1785952
七月的幽灵 1847683
Slaine- 1910193
-Genya- 1965815
Exculibar7 2057241
silence111 2071564
HeavenDemonII 2083087
阪口坂 2092355
hjvmu 2139230
柯布多木犀 2144033
naokyan 2403717
稲瀬みのり 2516683
囧史密斯咸 2739986
兔子難民 2759079
fetjalon 2884941
あやねる的男朋友- 2886582
維纳斯 2927210
diaodiaomayu 3043318
束-葉 3065663
谜の大法 3264424
CLJeremy 3270111
武藏脑子进水 3279299
Lemon酱Q 3300989
绅士向日葵 3306355
又丑又怂二狗子 3410509
JK0623 3525038
Sa君是个神经病 3602104
炸明虾 3612069
Asuna_闪光之结城明日奈 3683420
十香大好OWO 3931936
菲特酱今晚留下来 4239661
anorakli 4364561
三大清纯 4770805
猫村ミドリ 4997541
kayaneruいのり 5309518
Anechoic_ 5470096
小e想学琴 5638253
ab12op 6113565
Erubit 6382193
游荡鬼影 6625105
Ivan伊万 6722390
抢钱抢粮抢娘们 7081130
吹过田野的风 7087218
黄桃沙冰 7219730
すずん 7347889
詩乃喵 7653198
AlexTHU 8479263
他是她的真诚 8755997
唯zzzzzzzzz 9170277
逆袭的金酱 9912681
阿賴耶 10109494
肯桑丶 10116428
しきにゃん 10180614
徳醬 10407165
新たな紙 10429213
节节节制 10551374
寒川静司 10628421
娘化桑 10629809
止战之殇zcb 10945380
唯梓烤肉Man 11244466
海豹虾饺 11301514
折木信長 11381214
单推兔子的凯伦 11601464
我不想坑组 11679781
kelsding 11741763
ZirQleZQ 12495507
僕らの未来 12684881
大泽二菜 13586566
颱風天_ky 13979593
ale灯inorierinami 15942824
雨探し 16507442
悪ねる 16638552
佐倉熊 17198256
-KEI_ 18075315
鱿鱼拌酸奶 18236333
HiJwOvO 18939893
圆兔子_ 20234417
KevinC-いのりなお 22210297
ちゃん里菜 22991307
三十七明 23603434
xiaosiiMa 23935980
夏目甜甜圈 29290309
真白酱的蓝白胖次 32721682
百合型哲学研究家佐仓绫音 33757227
Squall-FGO 46273208
志方君 65842086
fuchi如果有神就好了 80681923
东山梨沙 82822992
SHIBATSU 86022820
竹达大盛牛肉饭 94137620
種田丸 234399875
きくうし 287082873
呜呼yq 352489237
Marcus_TR 397362324
AKIくん 473246707

File list