volume 1 in the torrent has first 3 chapters scanlated by Golden roze Scans with slighly higher resolution and better typeset, the rest are rips from mangareborn
while direct download volume chapters are all mangareborn
Comments - 5
ryosabeya (uploader)
Random quote: If you ever criticize me, keep your pride, don’t come here to grab my stuff.
Go buy and rip them yourself, only a few dollars.Your pride worth more than that.
@ryosabeya But I really want to see you sperg out like a retard again and add more screenshots of your autism to your torrents!
ryosabeya (uploader)
@warcheef: no excuse. You are a fucking troll, a leecher and an ass sucker. you have to keep checking on ppl new post and download. You’re in no position to demand shit, especially respect from anyone .
ryosabeya (uploader)
Go back to the other post, ppl keep downloading and seeding the torrent, no one give a shit about your shitty opinion on how they should not getting them. Shut the fuck up and get outta here.
ryosabeya (uploader)
@warcheef: hey mother fucker, why don’t you send me a photo of your real fucking face then I promise I’ll make some realllll awesome screenshots and photoshops especially for you and they’ll be in every single fucking torrent of mine until the end of this site? Stop acting like a fucking troll . You ain’t tough. I know I hurt your fucking feelings .