[SoM] Dragon Ball Z - Perfect Cell Saga (138-150) [Westwood Dub] [Merge R1+R2 Dragon Box] :: Nyaa ISS

[SoM] Dragon Ball Z - Perfect Cell Saga (138-150) [Westwood Dub] [Merge R1+R2 Dragon Box]

2021-04-09 11:38 UTC
No information.
File size:
29.2 GiB
Info hash:
### **_The Westwood Dub Remastered Release!_** --- ![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.imgur.com/K4tMb3c.png) ### **_What Is The Westwood Dub & Why It Takes So Long To Sync:_** This dub only aired in international English speaking countries (UK, Canada, Netherlands etc.). It is a rare lost media that has been preserved by fans who recorded this from TV between 2001 to 2005. This dub **will never have a official release on DVD** due to being stuck in licensing hell. The Westwood dub was heavily edited for TV airing meaning that each episode has approx. **2 Minutes** of cut content. This can be anywhere in the episode. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to sync one episode because of these cuts. We are doing this lengthy process per episode in order to preserve this dub, and to prevent it from being _lost to time_. Here is what the typical timeline looks like for a single episode: ![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://i.imgur.com/NI5wHxX.png) If you want to learn more about the Westwood Dub, how it came to be and how it aired then watch this video: [Dragon Ball Z in the UK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhA7JddpPqU). --- ### **_Video:_** The video for this release has been sourced from [SoM's Merge R1+R2 Dragon Box](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1331090). This has been synced to the best audio of any given episode of the dub. Merge Dragon Box retains as much detail as possible, ensuring that Dragon Ball Z can be viewed in its highest quality. You can read more about this version of Dragon Box [here](https://dombito.github.io/mergeproject/R1R2.pdf). ### **_Audio:_** This release serves to include the best recorded version of each episode synced to the best possible video that we have. The audio is sourced from [the +500GB Westwood Blue Water Torrent](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1320921). The sources are Hi-Fi and Stereo recordings, the best possible version of any given episode. Our audio sources for an episode of the Westwood dub are: **_Robo4900_**, **_xodanox_**, **_DAGAME_** and as a last resort **_OceanDan93_** (in order of quality). ### **_Opening & Ending:_** The Opening and Ending have been recreated for this release. The Opening features video sourced from **The Rock The Dragon Set and UUE Movie 3** and **Merge Dragon Box**. The Ending is recreated with **Merge Dragon Box** video and recreated credits. They have been recreated by **_Enigmo_** and encoded by **_JySzE_**. ### **_Title Cards:_** English title cards for each episode have been sourced from **Funi Singles** by **_DBZimran_** and recreated by **_ManifestX_**. ### **_Credits:_** This was possible thanks to the efforts of: - **_Wonder inc_** and **_Zero Cool_** who organised and split each individual episode ready to sync and edit. - **_DBZimran_**, **_Ajay_**, **_iKaos_**, **_Venny_** and **_JySzE_** for quality control and encoding instructions. - **_ManifestX_**, **_DBZimran_** , **_EpicKasai_**, **_Draganath_** & **_Johnny Blade_** for syncing and editing episodes. Episodes 138 to 150 have been synced by **_DBZimran_**, **_Johnny Blade_**, **_EpicKasai_**, **_ManifestX_** & **_Draganath_** ### **_Previous Sagas:_** #### [Trunks Saga (108-110)](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1331660) #### [Android Saga (111-124)](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1336037) #### [Imperfect Cell Saga (125-137)](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1339244)

File list

  • Perfect Cell Saga [Westwood DragonBox]
    • Dragon Ball Z - 138 (153) Sacrifice [DBZimran].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 139 (154) Saiyans Emerge [Draganath].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 140 (155) Super Vegeta [Draganath].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 141 (156) Bow to The Prince [Draganath].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 142 (157) Hour Of Temptation [Draganath].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 143 (158) Krillin's Decision [ManifestX].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 144 (159) Last Defense [EpicKasai].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 145 (160) Cell is Complete [ManifestX].mkv (2.2 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 146 (161) Vegeta Must Pay [Johnny Blade].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 147 (162) Trunks Ascends [Johnny Blade].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 148 (163) Saving Throw [DBZimran].mkv (2.3 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 149 (164) Ghosts From Tomorrow [Johnny Blade].mkv (2.0 GiB)
    • Dragon Ball Z - 150 (165) The Cell Games [Johnny Blade].mkv (2.3 GiB)
Amazing stuff!! Thanks soooo much for these releases!!!!
You guys in preserving Dragon Ball content are awesome and so so much for the overseas community. Thank you